Mortal Kombat 11
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Imagine if she had a fatalitiy where she bite a Dick off ha ha
Asian Gorl...
Ooo saucy lol
why does she have normal human molars
She is supposed to be becoming more like Kitana so I guess that's why.
MK stopped being good for me when they changed her face
Fatalitiy that only works on men??
No its because faggot developers wanna fix what ain't broken
did they get sly to do the voiceover
confirmed by ed yeah
You guys would fuck anything that has boobs
probably a soundalike like terminator had
I get the theme they were going for with the guests but I'm disappointed that it's just another gun toting guy, I doubt they can make the machinegun interesting
The grotesque mouth makes it hotter. She's the ultimate bad girl who needs to be punished.
How did you come to this conclusion?
nah, I can do without the tits. it's the teeth that do it for me.
Are you fucking serious?
>Steve in Smash
>Rambo in MK11
man FUCK videogames
You sound like a gay when you say it like that user
>bad girl who needs to be punished
*forsaken monster who needs to be nurtured and loved for the first time in her life
By this point they should just make an 80s movie fighting game.
I honestly don't want to see Stallone get eviscerated. I can deal with MK characters because they basically exist as crash test dummies in my head at this point.
I don't think you know what you're talking about here.
I mean, it was obvious that she was given lips in X only so she could be kissed to death. Sometimes I get a feeling that MK-fans are more interested in MK than NetherRealm themselves.
Why does Boon love guest characters so much? Or is that wat mk fans want?
Normalfags money
Yes, and?
>Arnold Schwarzenegger
>Sylvester Stallone
who the fuck's next? Jet Li?
>You guys would fuck anything
ftfy. Boobs not required
Anything that has sharp teeth*
surprised mileena isnt wearing a burka, she looks alright.
Van Damme
Charles Bronson
yes I would even fuck you if you had boobas
It’s only that pic, she looks bad overall
Literally too much skin. How's this allowed?
She needs a good dicking
Man the designs for the women are so plain and boring
hm yea, her outfit seems okay but her face looks a little off. kinda average. i feel like their designers are really bad this gen.
With that body? Hell yeah, just put her mask on or something.
she looks more like Li Mei with Baraka's face than Mileena.
Eh her outfit doesn't look that bad it's better than the MKX outfit that's for sure.
she looks like shit and I'm not talking about her sexy ass mouth and tongue, she has no muscles and her attire is plain as fuck
The head is too squashed for the mouth, most of the females in MK11 have that issue with Skarlet being the biggest offender.
My girlfriend is excited
I'll pirate it on switch
More 80s action icons my dude
hoping for my nigga Kurt Russel and maybe Charles Bronson or Chuck Norris for the Cannon insanity
I'd rather have that than another boring Injustice