Let's have a real fighting game thread with no shitposting or bait

Let's have a real fighting game thread with no shitposting or bait
Post lobbies

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Play Sethanies game

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Who challenged me in A3?
I said no shitposting

I like 3rd Strike and there's nothing you can do about it.

jer you faggot see me in A3

Sethposting is not shitposting, friend. Enjoy your kusoge.

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Any other characters that play like him? Talking about all fighting games here

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Why is jojo so damn popular? You'd think something like xmen vs street fighter would be more popular if people are looking for stupid crazy games to play. It's the anime isn't it

anyone /Last blade 2/ here?

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wtf SF alpha 3 is really fun


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>friend hates fighting games and doesn't want to put the time in to learn them
>plays destiny for hours on end
fuckin hell

how do i play heritage in the year of our lord 2019+1?

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any of you niggas playing kof2002UM? it got rollback recently

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I don't get it

isn't this game on fightcade? why would I buy it if I can play it for free?

Reminder that Sakura was gang raped in Burger canon.

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UM is a different edition of the game, it has new characters and reworked some of the old ones, changed some mechanics, and overall is a straight up better game than base KOF2002 that you can play on fightcade

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Me, want to play?



Are you from NA or EU?

East Coast of australia

I guess this thread is as good as any
I love Tekken and Guilty Gear and recently got into FighterZ but I am looking for something less chaotic. What's a good 2d fighter like that?
>no street fighter or MK

play instinct

Oh, I'm from eastern Europe, the ping will probably be terrible, sorry user. :(

what about under night?
there are daily threads for it with lobbies for both pc and console.

It’s funny how SNK provides better services than Capcom now.

Tekken isn't very chaotic at all really.
Of course the fact characters have massive move lists might make it feel like that when fighting a character you're not familiar with but eventually you'll see patterns and recognise most characters are very similar.