Too little, too late

Too little, too late

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t. entitled manchild

I for one plan to enjoy the 2 days of streamers playing it again.

It's still a buggy mess, I don't understand what were they doing all this time.
Reminder to pirate all devolver games to dissuade devs from working with them.

>65,000 players isnt a lot
As long as you can get a full game who cares about how low a player count is, still get full servers on RO2 and most people would consider that game beyond dead

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How long before the update?

>Fall Guys season 2 finally launches
>still barely recouping its past 2 weeks of player loss alone
>still losing to Party Animals
>Among Us still ahead of Fall Guys' August peak, despite nosediving itself
It's over.

Attached: steamcharts.png (2152x630, 75.93K)

Not playing a video game because the content provided is both infrequent and bad makes you an entitled man child? How do you figure?

Season 3 better be fucking special
Season 2 felt like a heres a 2 dollar dlc

Oh fuck I just watched a game with the cimbling cube things and it looked so fucking lame

Game dead


>4 new levels
>2 are rehashes of old ones

And forever living rent free

Devolver made a big unexpected profit, but they could have quadrupled it if they weren't morons.

I swear this game would've needed a stage a week to not get stale right away, should've used UGC

I will donate to queen poki!!!

I’ve really been joining her among us content but donating during fall guys is so much better.

Makes me feel like a big man.

Are there really only 4 new maps?

>new map for egg scramble, a mode which everyone hates
>new block pushing mode that has all of the problems of tip toe but worse
>battlepass sucks
The racing one looks okay I guess

Still waiting for this crap to get posted to Switch so I can give a shit.

How many people even gave a fuck about whole kernel access antivirus situation?

yes but they said there will be more "later"

It doesnt need just stages, it need hardcre challenge. Like rope swinging, wall climbing, and other shit were people really have to struggle and fight eachother to get through
It needs areas where there can be total shitfest where people screaming at eachother and stay on top and push people off
And also need more stages with immersive background and not just floating on clouds stages

Who will save us from the chink menace?

>new obstacle course race
>new "push blocks to climb over walls" race
>new egg scramble map
>new solo hoopsie daisy map
they're supposedly adding more later but that's all we've got so far

It needs more Human: Fall Flat mechanics

Problem with fall guys is that racing and survival games are the only fun ones, and racing games stop being fun if there are less than 20 people left

I don’t trust games where big updates are called “seasons”, like it’s a tv series.

>21 free crowns for shitters
damn, what's the point now

Well that sucks, I was thinking of playing right away again but considering that they added only 4 maps, i might just wait

It just need a big fat fucking map with 100 players where you just need to each the goal before the time runs out you get rewarded.
You can spectate other if you want or leave
Not just tiny lame ass maps where players becomes less and less

Season 3 will be the servers shutting down at this rate.

>gauntlet showdown
Finally no team games

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Among us is mobile game and crossplay. Fall guys isn't so its way worse off. You could probably add a few ten thousand players on to among us since it's free.

is the season still a grind to max out?? I want the trophy but not playing this shit for 20+ hours

None. Just like valorant and genshin. Its popular so people shit on it and cry for whatever reason then a week passes and people who want to play it are playing, and those who don't, dont.

>fall guys wavering
it's a shame they waiting so long to release season 2. they should have known the game doesn't have enough depth to justify 40 day seasons
>among us tanking
what happened? did people just get sick of it? I certainly got tired of seeing among us videos everywhere, and I haven't even played the game
>party animals
googled it and saw a demo for an awkward physics based party game, is that it? it doesn't look interesting at all. is it just being hyped by streamers?

t. boomer who doesn't watch streamers and is always a week behind on the new meme games

Why do the "people" here seem to care about what games others play instead of playing games themselves?

I thought Among Us was $5