So why do people get upset when people like games they don't enjoy?
So why do people get upset when people like games they don't enjoy?
because my taste is better
dont care, still shitting on GVH
Because it sets the standard of what people like. If a company releases a game that sells millions of copies but its a shit game (Pokemon Sword and Shield for example) then it sets a standard for the company to say "Oh we can release games with less features, less content, and less effort and still sell a shit ton of copies"
Then games after that follow in suit with lower and lower quality until you have (current day) games being released in the shitty state they're in.
Basically if the consumers are happy with shit products, you'll only get shit products
cause fuck videogames
Because they're either children or they've never done anything of value or obtained anything of value in their life. People get angry at political ideologies because they represent an existential threat to the things they care about like their family and children. If someone has never grown up and their worldview is constrained to the trappings of their childhood then the things they choose to get angry about are threats to toys or trivial pieces of pop culture entertainment.
No one gets upset that you like i a game they don’t. But them not liking a game you do upsets you.
They can dislike my favourite games, but only if they give a reason why. Saying "it's shit" or "it's for basedboys" isn't gonna cut it.
literally and unironically autism
For most people like that they've already established that Game X is either: Bad Game or Bad Game for Industry
The fact that you're enjoying the game despite their brain already deciding it's not enjoyable is a direct challenge to their reality, so they meet it with hostility like humans do.
This cope will serve as an example of what I mean, other people telling you what's good for you.
Nothing bad can happen!
>Mobas replace RTS
>Streambait faggotry games
>everything a battle royale now
>devs making shit like fall guys
>FPSs drop campaign mode
Why should be I be a cuck who tolerates shit tastes?
Some anons are fags who have the mentality of a woman: the general consensus must be my consensus and vice versa. Also Zig Forums hates vidya shitposting
then why do you keep eating McDonalds, fatass
The thing is I don't really care what's good for other people, in most cases I don't give a shit what other people like if it doesn't effect me.
I care when it effects franchises or companies that I used to enjoy but they start catering to people who like something completely different than what the games in a series used to be. That's when I start caring about what other people like because it starts effecting me.
Also refer to
>it starts affecting me*
Then make a better game if it's all so bad to you. There are thousands of titles meeting cult success every year, but all I ever see Zig Forums cry about is AAA games.
>If you don't like the games just make a better one yourself!
Genuinely shitty take. you don't need to be a game developer to enjoy OR critique games
We're not talking about critique, we're talking about being mad at other people for liking things you don't.
Stop acting like some arbiter carefully separating wheat from chaff for everyone else, you lala prancy homo man.
he already gave the reason why it's bad that others like garbage, fucking hell can't you read you ESL faggot?
Gatekeeping isn't a reason.
If that's his claim, my counter-claim is that his taste and shit and his faggy cock-loving gatekeeping will only let through MLP games.
The woman mentality is being a submissive faggot who doesn’t dare to say anything when others are eating shit next to you. You’re not a man, if you are cuck enough to tolerate shit opinions.
>if you don't post ten thousand threads about video game titties on Zig Forums you're a cuck and not a Trve Gaymer (TM)
blow me /r/kotakuinaction
Not to overuse trite points but if you genuinely believe that current practices in the gaming industry have improved over time, games as service, full priced early access / released unfinished products, day 1 DLC/season passes, content locking, paywalls, etc etc etc. are all better and not liking them and caring about people that DO like and support them is gatekeeping and "isn't a reason" I'm not really sure what other reasons to give. I agree there have been some great indie niche games but they can never be on the same scale or fit in the same place AAA games do, which are the overwhelming offenders.
watching people eat shit on a plate with a smile and then proceeding to defend the act of eating shit either out of spite or to save their ego is rage inducing
Yeah, well shitposting thousands of threads on Zig Forums doesn't change the state of the industry. It's firmly in the hand of normals now, something it's been on a trajectory for since the first time anyone sold a video game for money.
It's business, and you're not going to convince them to stop making what makes money.
Support smaller companies, hopefully get what you want. Other option? Be the change.
This implies anyone bought the games you're crying about in the first place.
>why doesn't this board cater to MY opinions? Why are other opinions allowed on this board? This is my safe space!!!
Is that supposed to be the volcano high dino.
It'd be better if she looked this way.
I haven't posted a single thread, I was just replying with my opinion to the OP.
And I never blamed the industry, again, to reiterate the main point, It's not the fault of the business for making money that's the entire point. Its up to the consumer to hold that business to a standard high enough to buy their product. That's why I care when people enjoy shit things, they're inadvertently representing me as another consumer by supporting bad practices. I'm only one person, I buy games I want to support and don't buy the ones I don't want to support. But I'm a single voice, so of course I care when so many others support things I don't because it directly effects the products that I care about.
>products that I care about.
Whatever, material simp.