>You have pre-ordered Yakuza: Like a Dragon already right Zig Forums?
Yakuza thread
No fuck rpgniggers.
is it just called "Like a Dragon: Like a Dragon" in Japan?
it has its own subtitle that never gets translated into english. its Ryū ga Gotoku 7: Hikari to Yami no Yukue in japanese.
Is it coming to PC day one?
Yeah I bought it on ps4 because I like trophies and want to add it to my yakuza plats
Yes actually
are both kiryu and majima english dub VAs the same original VAs for the PS2 yakuza?
I think the original VA for Kiryu hinted at being in the game. Mark Hamil would probably come back as its not like he has much work these days.
I might pick it up there then. Don’t know though I might just wait until they do the ps5 version of it later down the road. I got all their old games on PlayStation it would feel weird on my computer. Hilarious how Xbox bought timed exclusivity for the next gen version
i just wanna hear english baka mitai desu
i'll probably pick it up a few days before release. what's the best package to get? how much am i losing out by not going for the most-expensive one?
They’re not going to get Mark Hamill back
You have to go back
Bakamitai was a meme before twitter picked it up, you can go eat shit
Mark doesnt even remember voicing Majima
I think one of the translations for the subtitle is "The Whereabouts of Light and Darkness"
Which is absolutely kino and a tragic casualty of localization
no. Do you also think Resident evil 7: Biohazard is called Biohazard: Biohazard in japan?
A paycheck's a paycheck
I want to know if we have to pay for the NG+ DLC like the nips or is it included
I have aa feeling the reason they're calling it Yakzua: Like A Dragon in English is because Like A Dragon is gonna be the new series title in all regions. The series has been slowly moving away from the romanticization of the Yakuza lifestyle especially in 6, and I hear that it's even a major plot point in 7 that Diago and Watase want to disband the Tojo and Omi as Yakuza and instead move into private security. So instead of Ichiban's second game being called Yakuza 8, I feel like it'll be Like a Dragon 2.
The translation will be reddit tier, so who cares
i am yet to preorder as i am still in the middle of yakuza 5
hopefully i won't get burned out with it like i did with the remastered collection earlier this year (doesn't help that i already beat them on PS3) never even finished the PS4 versions of them, and the last game i actually finished was kenzan last september.
i think i'm just really sick of the one's i've played, so i'm pretty much just going to dedicate time to the ones i've not played, so 7, ishin (if it gets a localisation because fuck using a guide) and the black panther games (if someone decides to actually translate them, but i might just bite the bullet with them next year)
>I feel like it'll be Like a Dragon 2.
for the best imo.
makes it a bit easier to seperate kiryu's saga, and ichiban's. (i think they were going to drop the number in japan too, since yokoyama said big numbers can discourage newcomers, but then they ended up keeping it which surprised me)
>people said that 4 is the worst part and Akiyama is the only fun character
>every character especially Saejima is fun to play
Haven't finished it yet but it's shaping up to be my favorite game in the main series so far (have yet to play 5 and 6)
Also coming from 3 to 4 is like night and day, 3 was such an unfun slog for me
Don't waste your money, the only dlc worth a damn is the job pack and the premium ng/ex-hard difficulty pack.
4 is fucking great and saejima is the best person to play as, kicky boi and kiryu are great, wasn't a big fan of counter mcgee
>>people said that 4 is the worst part and Akiyama is the only fun character
What? Never heard that one. 3 is considered the worst one.
4 has a lot of faults, the annoying parts where you have to go through the canals with saejima for example. Also, there is a really, REALLY dumb scene. You will know when you see it.
>turn based
I sleep
no, turn based rpgs suck
I'm assuming you mean O MY RUBBER BULLETS? That was pretty dumb but not really a deal breaker for me. The only part that I thought was objectively bad was Saejimas prison escape, especially the sniper section with the chain grabbing enemies
It wasn't a deal breaker for me too, there is a lot of good stuff in 4, but the main plot got some really dumb moments. Also, I never liked cop boi, thought he was a really weak character compared to saejima and akiyama.