Black souls thread

black souls thread.
Haven't got a black souls thread in a while so I might as well make one

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Guys, I think I'm going to Alice.

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I remember someone mentioning that Azathoth is something that Grimm needs to defeat to get his happy ending. Why is this, all he seems to be doing is chilling on the moon and raping people who visit it

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Say it!!

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I love Rabi more than Alice

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Where is Alice going?!

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>Haven't got a black souls thread in a while
nigga it's been less than a day

really? guess I'm missing alot of threads lately

I love Alice more than I love Alice

Crossover time

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I still havent gotten all the endings in BS2 yet, cant get motivated

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Well you can do A, C, D and E on the same playthrough, and F and G on the next. It’s pretty easy to get F and G, just play the entire game with 0 sen.

>tfw no dodo gf
Why even live?

>tfw no Alice gf

>tfw no daughter Alice gf

If EMMM doesn't give me Jeanne in DLC3, i'm gonna get pissed

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Tower of Trample?

>EMMM brings back Jeanne
Her Folktake is forever corrupted because of the kraken tentacle you rezz'd her with

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deep down i always knew i shouldn't have trusted that skeleton and his necromancy bullshit

It's not quite like that. Mabel says the garden war between Great Ones will awaken Azathoth, resulting in total collapse of reality. Grimm has to stop Azathoth from awakening, and to do that he basically needs to slap the shit of all Great Ones before they mobilize for the war.

Extra crispy

What are the chances that Grimm's meddling is what will cause Azathoth to awake and Grimm will be forced to fight and/or seduce him

you cant really fight or seduce Azathoth, once he wakes up reality stops existing and everything disappears except maybe Yog-Sothoth.

Sex with Lorina is better than Alice!


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What do I'm supossed to do in the moon surface?

IF she returns I'd expect to be like a boss helper just like Catherine rather than the Jeanne you knew and loved

Go north, have sex

no bully! remember that she did it all for you
>rather than the Jeanne you knew and loved
please no, i just want to see her smile again

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We need more Jeanne and Elma, both books were just on the ground

user if something touches him the whole universe gets yeeted