HW: Age of Calamity

So Goddess Mode Zelda is guaranteed for the final level, right?

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Will get cucked before she dies horribly

*and after

These two better be playable.

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Is Link the only one who can change clothes?

We don't know but Zelda has three different outfits just in BotW (4 if you count the one for BotW2) and all the other champions have a "normal" gear and a Champion gear so maybe you can change everyone's clothes

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The champions will all have their normal clothes and champion outfits at least

Zelda actually has 4 in BotW, the goddess outfit, the standard one, the blue dress, and the winter outfit from the dlc

Oh yeah I forgot about the blue dress for some reason

I guess it’s unlikely she’ll actually fight in that one

Pity Genshin Impact bump. I know you have it hard, Zeldabros.

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Is chink shilling really a thing now? Pathetic


I hope so, I want to play as naked Mipha!

The Legend of Zelda: Tibetan Independence when

West Taiwan is really shilling this game, huh?

>naked champions
Too good to happen

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Why does no one post screenshots of the game? Does it look that horrible?

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What console is that from? Game Boy Color? Why does it look so hazy?

>Urbosa towering over everyone else
My dick

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Link is the only one that can change individual pieces of clothing and get naked. The others just have costumes.

I wonder how will Zelda react when she sees Impa's current state

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I get the feeling we won’t actually get to see her initial reaction in BotW2 since there seems to be a short time skip and Zelda says she was watching over Link anyway

>Hey user, I need a test subject to see if my Contraceptive Rune works. You up for it?

well Zig Forums?

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You made this post in the last thread, get new material.

Website has a new loading screen

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Do you think any abilities from here will return in BOTW2? Also what other modes are confirmed for this game

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I really want a sexy female Yiga villain for the game.
But if the Master Kohga of the era turns out to be a dude, at least we can look forward to the inevitable SFM porn of him fucking the shit out of Impa and Purah with his mighty banana.

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I think Kogha always being a dude would be to contrast Impa being a woman

No, in BotW, Kohga said that his secret technique came from his "father's mother's father". So his great grandfather was the one that made it and passed it to his daughter who presumably was also a Kohga, then to her son and then he to BotW Kohga.

If they're doing more flashbacks in 2 then they'll definitely make use of the assets created for AoC.

>Mains (Naginata) Impa and Zelda in HW
>They both are changed beyond recognition
>Still looking like the most fun characters in the game
Bros how do i stop winning?

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Punished Zelda's return to Hyrule Castle is 90% of why I'll be buying this game

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