13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

Why is no one buying it?

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It's not a dudebro game.

>that little bump
So this is the power of the West lmao

>RTS instead of beat em’ up or ARPG
>Already a niche dev to begin with
>PS4 exclusive
>barely marketed
Gee, I wonder why.

It already surpassed sales expectations from Atlus :-) btw
never ever

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Not on PC yet

Why is 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim so unpopular in the West?

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It's easy to surpass sales expectations when you set the bar lower than the sale figures. It's the most basic trick in the book.

Trannies don't buy video games.

Because it's a very niche new IP with poor advertising. Zero escape barely sold worth a shit either, at first. These kinds of games spread slowly over time via positive word of mouth.
I'm enjoying it so far.
Translators Note: Keikaku means plan!

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Pick one dumb nigger. Pc is for work


>never ever
>Pick one dumb nigger. Pc is for work

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but I like the game
I'm happy that 30% of players have platinumed it
i'm gonna join them

Atlus was talking about the Japanese sales, retard. The Western sales are so piss-poor they have nothing to report.

because it's a boring vn.
>mc stares at nurse's chest and blushes
>bump into handsome guy with morning toast
>gay panic scene
seriously, is there some big twist or some shit explaining why the game covers some of the most generic fucking tropes from the 90s/00s in the first 30 minutes?

Day of the emulation is coming

I play video games due to the visual aspect but this game relies too much on your imagination. Fights for example, all you see are lights and indicators. Enemies are literally just a red square and the good guys are a blue square... Like seriously... Front Mission games on Super Nintendo had better visuals than this garbage.

Its not a game

I'm broke I'm sorry I would buy it if I had a job
I've missed out supporting so many games this year...

best story I've experienced this year
was worth $60

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and the sales from japan already covered the non existent sales for the rest of the world, care to SEETH some more?

that combat style compared to the rest of the game style seems so lackluster.

>game sells less copies than random Indies on Steam
>snoy cultists cope that 200k is a lot and the fact that the game doesn't sell further on a dead platform (PS4) should be overlooked

My GOTY. Hope it sells steadily.

>Hope it sells steadily.
Too late for that

Genshin Impact is on PS4 and its free

Not advertised.
Misinfo calling it a VN instead of an adventure game with thousands of SRPG maps.
New IP + Covid

The prologue establishes the cliches.
The next 30 hours then suplex (most of) the cliches into oblivion. They got Homura from Madoka as a VA just to fuck with the audience.

The game is best summarizes as "Wow congrats you saw the plot twists coming, too bad that was just bait."

all right, i'll try to push through it

I bought it, really enjoying it so far. Around 70% done with story mode, gotta catch up with the combat missions since all the characters are locked now.

If you didn't already buy it, just watch some more scenes on Youtube or something. If you don't think it's interesting after one or two branches into the game proper, you probably won't like it at all.

I was really put off by the prologue, expecting it to be some hack shit, but it ended up being the anti-999: a game that's less about plot twists and more about piecing together what the fuck is going on slowly while examining characters and how they feel.

The percentages are huge fucking lies. You're probably about halfway through.

>$60 VN
No thanks

Why do you come into these threads, say this, and then bail when someone brings up that it has 10,000 SRPG maps?

210k players for a niche game like this is good tho

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I think all vanillaware games are kinda niche, and this one is also on the tactical side so naturally there won't be that many normies flooding in to play the game

other than that they seem to create games for their core audience regardless if it gains mass popularity

>10,000 SPRG maps
So nothing? That's like saying musous are worth 60 because you fight thousands of enemies.

>"a bunch of enemies fighting you at once is the same thing as a bunch of levels"
Nigger, can you at least pretend to try?

If you wanted it, honestly most people have bought it by now. Its not a super big aaa game. No vanillaware game is or has been.

Name of the website?

I accept your concession

It's literally the same.

>"This game is a VN!"
>"There are several orders of magnitude more content in this game that falls under RTS/SRPG than VN/Adventure game."
You may as well call FFTA a VN at that rate.