How much do you spend on vidya Zig Forums?
How much do you spend on vidya Zig Forums?
>donating almost 20% of your income
>excellent with money
Look, we all know this is a bait thread and the intended reply is
> "OMG this is retarded do Americans really spend their money like this"
Well, the answer is no, we don't. Aside from Californians but they barely count as humans, much less Americans.
>Put 20% income into charity
>Write it off your taxes, get tax credits and end up saving a ton of cash
Tell me where in CA I can rent for $800 that isn’t the middle of the desert
>have a nice job and good pay
>plenty of money left each month for savings
>still can't make myself pay more than €20 for a vidya
The jew is strong in me.
>that guy that thinks donations being tax deductible somehow saves money
>only 20 clams for internet
>a 25 year old who makes $100,000 a year
$600 isn't 20% of your monthly income if you make 100k a year
>people don't know that donating is really just the security fee for the local mob to protect you
> Tell me where in CA I can rent for $800 that isn’t the middle of the desert
You can rent a spot in the street to pitch your tent.
Matthew 19:24
i think that's how much it cost to live in those hobo-hipster shelters
I make about 100k a year and spend $1000 a month on everything, max, which includes 1 - 3 games every month.
The rest of my money is lose gambling on the stock market.
He pays less in rent than I do and I only make 17k a year.
>25 year old making that much money annually without serious nepotism at play
Oh I finally understand this image. He makes 100k a year, but is only spending 2775 per month or 30k a year. The pie chart is the division of the small amount he is actually spending.
>Utilities: $195
>health insurance
>dining out
wow bros...Is this the power of the american dream...
I make 95k and I'm 25. I'll make over 100k next year. I just went to school and got a masters degree. It really wasn't that hard. My parents are dirt poor so nepotism wasn't a factor
>100k a year
yeah half that money is going to paying off student loans
>$20 for internet every month
>$40 for cellphone
>$615 in donations
>25 year-old making 6 figures
>rent is only $825
Why is CNBC so out of touch? The average shitbox house where I live has a rent of $1,800.
>25 year old that makes $100,000
I know I'm going to get a million "oh man I make 2 mil a day and have 3 private islands" replies but fuck off
I pay like $120 for electricity during the summer. Internet is like $60-80 or some shit. Definitely reasonable.
Here where the donations go.
>t. didn't go to college
where do you live?
Rent: $825
lol on what fucking planet
>>$20 for internet every month
What's so weird about this?
My friend from hs is only 23 and is making more than 100k, he works for amazon (not as a cage wagie though)
This chart is retarded and you could easily reduce it to 300$ but the trust fund baby still has about 6k left to do whatever with so it doesn't matter.
No you won't, you are not interesting, 10 people before you made this comment, but didn't ask for attention.
After this no one will reply to you.
I'm in college. At least I don't have debt. because of nepotism
>House cleaner $30
Not even an illegal mexican would clean your house for only $30.
I love women, they are definitely, 100% equal to men and have absolutely no extra advantages that men don't have :)
Nice example of survivorship bias
>women have it har-
A large majority of STEM related jobs have a starting annual salary of 60k-70k a month.
I'm 28 first gen american, parents were dirt poor, and I'm making 115k with a bachelor's
>400 claps in groceries but also 250 in dining out
>he didn't invest in bitcoin
>The jew
No user, refusing to pay the Jew isn't Jewish in itself, it's a natural reaction.
You should be starting those jobs when you're 21-22. By 25, you should be in the 6 figure range
I don't think this is meant to be bait. I think it's just meant to laugh at how absurdly out of touch rich boomers are.
This wtf
>Not making seven figures
Never gonna make it
> Donations
Lmao, gtfo with that boomer shit
How the fuck do you make 100k a year at 25
I assumed you'd be smart enough to catch on that I'm a Jew. Of course, with you types we always overestimate.
>615x12/100000 = 0.2
based retard
Donations are the tips he's giving, right?
I don't have debt either because I live in a state where people pay their taxes so I got to go for free
Be more specific or your just pulling broad statements out your ass. STEM related jobs could be literally anything. IT weenies aren't making 60k starting, 25k if their lucky.
By going to college and getting a non-meme degree
>isn't making a 1mil a year
>"smart with money"
my phone bill is 45$/mo and internet is 185$
>good with money
Who the fuck donates $600 a month? Simps?
what this guy said were i live starting STEM is 21k-28k
minmaxing, he could be a laywer or some shit
>25 y/o earning more than $8k a month
yeah right
It varies, month to month. Most months there aren't any new releases that are worth a damn, and I'm passed the phase where I feel obligated to buy a bunch of shit just because it is on sale. I check a couple of sites for sales that let me integrate my wish lists, so I keep an eye out for good deals on games that I'm interested in already. I would say less than $150/month, probably less than $80 for most months. I think that all I've bought in October was a copy of Darkwoods and Neon Abyss on the Switch while both were on sale, and the only thing that I'm looking forward to this month is Sunless Skies on the Switch (I own it on PC but it would be a nice game to play in bed).
>he doesn't have a private plane and a private sex dungeon island
Do wagies really?
It's possible if you dropped out of high school and entered trade school, by then you'd have your own business or could travel for work.
>make 80,000 dollars a year
>half of it goes to Colorado taxes
At least I pay $0 in rent
That it's tax deductible doesn't mean you may pay less in tax than what you've donated. I hope none of you donate to charity in hope of saving money.
who fucking does this
>Only possible through nepotism
>no it isn't
>S-survivorship bias!!
Fuck off please
get a job in STEM
Saudi Arabia. Work an easy as piss job for 100k, pay no taxes on it, and my rent costs about $400 a month, all inclusive.
Downside is no liquor and it's hard to find women.
I've never made below six figures lol.
Epstein is still alive
This is a gem that's rarely pointed out.
>Rent: $825