I'm still mad.
I'm still mad
I wanted him but I knew somehow he wasn't going to make it in.
Because Nintendo sucks?
>Except Travis lol
I only played No More Heroes 2 and I still haven't played the first, I'm a fake fan I don't get to be bad
Only retards get mad about anime swordsman. Fire Emblem swordsman/characters are the problem.
>Fire Emblem swordman
>Anime swordman from OTHER GAME
He's a literal who
A-And Isaac too, r-right? He's different!
Fucking this. Smashfags are the only reason I know who this fucking character is.
I'm pretty sure he'd also have wrestling moves
Why did people even get it in their head that Travis would be in? It makes no fucking sense.
>Astral Chain police officer
Ah yes, imagine the resetera/twitter salt
If you think any of the swordies beyond links and marthcina play at all similarly then you're just not paying attention to the game. I hope all of the last 4 are swordies just to piss you off.
Steve us shit, but do is your edgy literal who meme character, get fucked
me too, user, at least we have NMH3 to look for.
it would be so SO good, user. One can only dream
zoom zoom
Me too but I know Sakurai hates Travis so I'm surprised he didn't just get spirited. Maybe he'll stop developing Smash games one day and we'll get someone else to fill in so we can get Travis
virgin manly, chad cartoonshit, and weebshit
Could say the same about Shulk and Fire Emblem if they weren't in Smash by at least 2+ games by now.
Your typing style perfectly embodies the snot-nosed virgin you are.
unironically, yes
fire emblem fans need stop acting as the victim when the fe lineup in smash is genuinely awful
most fire emblem shit is literal whos
you know its true
He's not anime.
It's a beam katana
What did Suda do
I enjoy FE but the characters are like the purest distillation of generic anime design
>character from the best selling video game of all time
>literal who weeb with a history of flops
Really makes you think.
Travis wishes he was an anime swordsman
Released No More Heroes 2 early to help Brawl's constant delays
Either he’d get in and his personality would be nerfed due to no swears or he was represented by Spirit/Mii so I have no complaints.
Should’ve come with a song tho.
I can not wait for the Dante mii costume shitstorm.