We’ve got gameplay boys
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Is KKB doing the whole soundtrack?
nice looks boring, no need to buy ill just watch a Twitch streamer play it
I am going to play the game so I won’t spoil by watching the video but riddle me this. Is it soulful? Does it look neat or dumb
Kinda dumb imo. I didn’t expect it to be first person
they look unhappy
>this is what passes for "next gen" graphics on a PS5 exclusive
I don’t think anyone is trying to make this out to be the gold standard
It's on PC
So this is actually being played straight? When it was first revealed I was expecting it to be a horror game in disguise given how uncanny and creepy things looked.
I did my self a favor, I already felt I was spoiling myself by seeing the cast video, so I'm going to go in blind on this game for sure.
> PC exclusive
> they use a controller for the whole video
> commentary
holy shit just play the game and shut the fuck up
theres only 30 mins footage of the beginning of the game, I don't think there is going to be a big reveal in that time.
I get that but they'd have to give it away at some point, right? They can't just market it as an actual kids game up until release if it's actually a fucked up horror game.
I just feel like the twist would have been revealed by now if it was happening.
I doubt it's going to be a horror game considering how Octodad was.
Well we know grumpuses went missing, so there had to be at least some sort of "evil" creature on the island
no idea why but im kinda hyped for this game.
Yeah but I'm expecting it to be a Zelda level evil at most. Nothing too scary and still kid-friendly.
A lot of people were expecting a DHMIS-style complete tonal shift into full-on horror.
>Lizbert kisses another woman within 10 seconds of her being on screen
This kills the Zig Forums
>A lot of people were expecting a DHMIS-style complete tonal shift into full-on horror.
Oh yea this is over the top, I'm just riding on the good ol' ape escape x pokemon snap vibes and gameplay to ride me over across November and December.
>Yeah but I'm expecting it to be a Zelda level evil at most. Nothing too scary and still kid-friendly.
I would be fine with that, silly spooky would be a nice change actually. when does this game come out?
Nov. 12th Everyone mark you're calendars. Kino is on the menu.
what are we talking bout again?
You guys are really excited for this? God this board is full of zoomers
Anyone who has ever thought for the slightest second that Bugsnax would actually have any “Horror” tag or aspect in its title or game design is RETARDED.
I’m 27 what games are you excited for
It’s on PS4 dum dum