>N-n-nooo it's not fair
>my waifu FOTM was supposed to be game of the year
Heh, nothing personal boy
>N-n-nooo it's not fair
>my waifu FOTM was supposed to be game of the year
Heh, nothing personal boy
Nioh 2 is GOTY
nobody actually think fucking genshin impact gonna be in any category at goty award, right?
Dude, The Last of Us 2 is going to sweep every GotY award even if it's a pile of shit. That or maybe Ghost of Tsushima.
For me, it's 13 Sentinels
Waifufags do in fact believe this
>roguelike with zero variety
GOTY means GAME of the year, not cutesy art or wacky dialogue of the year
imma fucking kill porito pope if he don't at least put hades in best ost
The Gotys are mostly given to Anglo/North European games.
Desperados 3 is my GOTY, Hades is a close second but Cyberpunk will probably take the lead.
OP here. Wasteland 3 is my second favorite.
what the fuck is up with the pic? is it just indian people having their minds blown by the clip?
>Waifu FOTM
>While boasting about a husbando and waifu FOTM, with the most FOTM genre, action roguelikes.
I genuinely liked the first movie but the shit in the second was a little ridiculous
Hades is a genuinely good game though, not a shit game that's ok because I can fap to it.
So FOTM that it's been the FOTM genre for years at this point
it went from magic tricks to actual fucking magic
i fucking hate just because they can cgi shit, that justify any ridiculous tricks they put in with no thought if they can actually be done irl
What nigger is this?
I've just realized that green thing on her head is her hair. I thought it was a weird hat or something, her hair obscured. Always pictured her with chestnut hair.
His skin is greyish white not black
So an ashen nigger, got it.
>it went from magic tricks to actual fucking magic
mostly this. The hypnotism was a bit of a crutch in 1 but in 2 it was a full blown bionic suit. 2 taps on the back and you can control someone's entire destiny apparently
They made Athena and Eurydice black for real but with Hades it's because he's the god of death or something
I mean it generates the most FOTMs where outside BoI, by being the first super popular one, people barely remember the 100+ that came out.
In other words, it's just a popular genre and not a FOTM genre
she's a tree
>calling a roguelite game a ''roguelike''
low iq mongs leave the thread
I like most things about the game but the OST is fucking boring.
Jesus christ the questing system gets to be a real fucking pain near the end. Do I really need to infinitely fucking do runs just to not have Thanatos talk to Hypnos? Annoying.
This really is my GOTY. I just really wish it’d get mt Olympus DLC
based Jahid
can some bro here tell me how to reach the epilogue? do i need to give all of the gods ambrosia or what? forge a bond with every NPC?
beat hades 10 times
after you ; )
some people say max out 6 gods, some say it's Zeus/Demeter random dialogue
Do you lose any dialogue for not losing to Hades a single time after your first win until the epilogue? I did a giant winstreak after my first clear.
yeah this is some stupid fucking bullshit. i have everything cleared for at least 20 hours or so but achilles still won't leave the house to go to his buddy and hypnos and thanatos have spoken once