Graphics vs. art

I am officially done with realistic graphics and gritty themes
I used to be a PC graphics whore but I'm bored with them now, plus we're at the point where way better graphics make less and less of a difference visually (diminishing returns)

What are some recent games that have great art style and stylized graphics?

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Genshin impact.
Happy now faggot?

BOTW or POST VOID they both have artsyles i enjoy a lot


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this image is the best thing to have come out of azur lane


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PC has the most artful games

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Dragon Quest XI
Odin Sphere/Dragon's Crown/Aegis 13
Genshin Impact
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

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Ori and the Blind Forest / Ori and the Will of the Wisps
Hollow Knight
Deep Rock Galactic

Those are all very new and very, very good looking games with excelent art direction. And they run on potatoes, except Will of the Wisps

Thight ass

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Oh i forgot one
Okami. This one isn't new though.

yeah im pissed at how much resource allocation they get and ppl giving a fuck.
imo graphics started a diminishing returns phase mid-2000's.


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Have to... resist
I... I can’t hold it back I-I have to....
The cunny... it’s... it-

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Will of the Wisps runs at 60fps on the Switch so it also runs on potatoes.


how do I into azur lane without having to play gachashit

>posting the cropped version
its a black dude with white gloves doing the groping which makes it even hotter


look up gullible on danbooru


but I'm guessing there is no BLACKED version and you just made it up because you think it would make it more hot

why are there only 4? am I doing something wrong?

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It's not cropped.

I understand what you mean like the last of us 2 style but not animated 3d style like the examples gave right?

based faggot

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paimon get out of the men's restroom

>porn addiction is totally a meme mental illness you guys.

>he doesnt know about baraag

yh its best you go back to bed user

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there's no black guy here, there's another image where the guy fucks her in the ass and his dick and hands are white (same artist)


This, who needs graphics or art style when you have free chinese gacha spyware

You can't just blurt it out like thaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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Use Gelbooru, nigger.