Can Nint0ddlers be anymore pathetic?
Can Nint0ddlers be anymore pathetic?
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5,000,000 for EVERYONE who was affected by the drift, not for the mother and his son, the article is misleading on purpose for clicks.
I have a Switch and I enjoy it.
But Nintendo are selling faulty goods and are continuing to sell faulty goods. They should literally pay for this, and 5m doesn't seem like enough.
Reminder Nintendo gets away with anything
This is the dark future without Iwata
i have a feeling this joycon drift outrage shit is a vocal minority
Nah it’s not I got it
This is hell
You wouldve expected the Wii U to had manor issues over the Switch
the thing about the joycon drift is that it literally is not an "if" it's a "when". every joycon will eventually drift after enough use. it's a material flaw in the design of the joystick. i've had my switch since christmas of last year and haven't had any signs of drifting, but it will happen eventually.
Maybe don't be a caveman and take care of your hardware and you don't have to deal with """"stick drift"""?
It's a vocal minority but it's a larger group than your normal vocal minority as it's actually representative of a majority of owners, or at the very least a huge chunk. I've personally had 4 joycons and two hori pads. 3 of my joycons have had drift issues meanwhile the horis are fine. By comparison my pc 360 and Xbox one controllers and my ps3 and ps4 controllers are all in perfect working order. Nintendo really shat the bed with its controllers this gen
Here's a pity (You), you actual fucking retarded cocksucker mongoloid.
>sell defective product
>people are literally defending this
This is the peak of consumerism. Businesses have transcended the need to provide quality products and are now religions whose followers should count themselves lucky for receiving anything at all.
I have it too, I had to buy the pro controller
You must agree though that going out of your way to maintain functions literally every other controller on the market had not needed for the past 30 years of gaming is an objective flaw and a unique detriment to this one controller design.
Maybe don't be a cumguzzler and take care to not sound like a bootlicker and you don't have to deal with defending """"stick drift""""?
I also thought it was a vocal minority until I got drift and inaccuracies in all my joycon after having some time put into the switch, one set of which I had for less than 6 months despite taking good care of all my stuff. Until I sent them in for repairs (since it's free), I could really only play animal crossing due to needing to switch the L and R analog stick controls to make it tolerable to play.
you're a fucking smoothbrain trying to be smart for once in your life.
you're still fucking dumb.
Nope. I got it after about a week after buying. My sister also has it now, although hers held out longer.
Its real, had two joycons drift over the course of 18 months.
>inb4 tendie defense force try to claim I was manhandling them or whatnot
>6 months (~2,000 hours) after purchase the sticks start fucking up on the Switch
>the nearly 40 year old Intellivision which my mother played to death because she loved Astrosmash and Lock 'n' Chase still works just fine
Doesn't matter if it's a vocal minority, it shouldn't be happening during the system's lifespan.
based mom
yes user everybody’s a nintodddler to you even people who want them to go out of business
Look up what actually causes stick drift. NORMAL use of the controller causes rapid, permanent wear & tear of the analog stick
Good. Iwata would've apologized and given us free replacements had this happened under his watch.
>ninteniggers are actually defending this
I can take it anymore
I fixed joycon drift on my own by opening that piece of shit up. If you can't maintain it you deserve to lose all your cash buying new shit
I fucking hate brainlits.
It comes with regular use bootlicker.
So can I get some free Joy Cons or what? I got a Switch last month and it's doing fine.
MONKEY NO!!!!!!!!
It's not Nintendo's fault you people are careless with your joycons.
>nintie damage control agents itd
dont get me wrong I like my switch and its great but dude, the drift is real
How do I get me some class action lawsuit money?
better joy-con alternatives exist now, why even continue buying the legit joy-con
asking the real questions itt
I dont believe there's a drift out-of-box. When I first saw this thing the day it released I noticed the sticks were as light weight as the vita sticks were. And I knew once gamers who play smash bros gets their hands on them they would rip that thing apart just like they kill gc controllers.
I tore both my 360 controllers up and they both have a drift now. Anyone who played mario party on N64 knows what happens to the controller afterwards... it leans and becomes loose like a whore.
So I think drift is bullshit. It's aggressive gameplay thats causing it. No one ever opens a fresh box, sincs, and then drifts. They always complain about it after they play.
How much would you get? Most of the time, class actions don't pay enough to buy lunch unless it's a bigass government pot of money for mesothelioma or some shit.
>American culture
When did the Nintendium mines run dry?
go to mcdonalds, order coffee. then spill it on yourself. Next freak out when you realize it was hot and pretend you got 3rd degree burns.
in other words, be a village idiot and buy a lawyer.
If the fucking Nintendo muppet admits that joycon drift is a critical issue, then you should also know better:
Deserves it for buying such a disgusting Joy Con color.
Why should it matter if it drifts out of the box. No other controller I've ever owned has had this problem (not even my n64, which has a notoriously terrible joystick), but 2 pairs of joycons have started drifting now, and I don't even play smash.
US still living rent free in the eurofag's head?
surprise surprise!
It happened to me but I bought a $10 repair kit off of Amazon that had all screw drivers, 2 joysticks, 4 rubber pads for joysticks, and metal pieces to fix the issue where your joycons don't "snap" properly (they go too far).
Made me learn about ribbon cables and took less than 10 mins to fix.
The last good nintendo product was the gameboy
Don't be a nintenbro.