Do you think it's gonna be another sausage fest like the last one?

Do you think it's gonna be another sausage fest like the last one?

Attached: final_fantasy_xvi_logo_white_en.jpg (1920x1080, 309.27K)

Yes. But not because of Nomura's reasons. This time it's because they're trying to copy Game of Thrones/Witcher. Also, Final Fantasy almost always puts female characters in a subservient role.

>Final Fantasy almost always puts female characters in a subservient role.
thats a good thing

Not really when the best female characters in the series were the few that got equal footing with the male characters. I'm not saying women need to be OVER men. Nor am I advocating for female characters to be outgoing bitches like western female leads. I'm saying, in terms of character development, they get more than just being a foil for a male counterpart. Which is why the characters in FFV are probably the best in the series. They stand as good on their own, not reliant on the male characters.

Attached: 1590817654608.jpg (600x887, 99.24K)

Cuh- cuh-

classic game of thrones sword fight right here

Attached: witcher_gameplay.webm (900x506, 2.88M)

Who knows. I feel like there is a decent chance that the girl you see with the MC before the timeskip is also going to be the Shiva dominant and she'll become a party member.

Why must every game have these lazy-ass teleport attacks nowadays

name 5 games that do this

Devil May Cry
Final Fantasy XV
Genshin Impact