Do you think it's gonna be another sausage fest like the last one?

Do you think it's gonna be another sausage fest like the last one?

Attached: final_fantasy_xvi_logo_white_en.jpg (1920x1080, 309.27K)

Yes. But not because of Nomura's reasons. This time it's because they're trying to copy Game of Thrones/Witcher. Also, Final Fantasy almost always puts female characters in a subservient role.

>Final Fantasy almost always puts female characters in a subservient role.
thats a good thing

Not really when the best female characters in the series were the few that got equal footing with the male characters. I'm not saying women need to be OVER men. Nor am I advocating for female characters to be outgoing bitches like western female leads. I'm saying, in terms of character development, they get more than just being a foil for a male counterpart. Which is why the characters in FFV are probably the best in the series. They stand as good on their own, not reliant on the male characters.

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Cuh- cuh-

classic game of thrones sword fight right here

Attached: witcher_gameplay.webm (900x506, 2.88M)

Who knows. I feel like there is a decent chance that the girl you see with the MC before the timeskip is also going to be the Shiva dominant and she'll become a party member.

Why must every game have these lazy-ass teleport attacks nowadays

name 5 games that do this

Devil May Cry
Final Fantasy XV
Genshin Impact

because otherwise it'd feel like DS

The trailer alone had at least 4 female characters.

DMC doesn't have any moves that both teleport and attack, you have to do manual inputs for both. Eh I'll give this one to you, I forgot how much this garbage has infested modern games.

Honestly it needs some big titty anime babes in it. What we’ve seen so far looks really dull and similar to a WRPG. So it could really use a little JRPG charm.

>What we’ve seen so far looks really dull and similar to a WRPG

Attached: DMC_gameplay.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

Not every game does it. It's mostly anime style games. And it's not some conspiracy, but just because the technology is there to allow characters to imitate anime. Where teleport/ninja/flashy attacks have been a staple since the 1970s. Final Fantasy is an anime game, no matter how much they try to make the game look "realistic."

Aren't the lead character hair not spikey enough?

western games like for honor and new god of war just have enemies get vacuum succed into your attacks or slide around to make the animations fit. Its all the same garbage.

I think needing girls in a game to enjoy it is kind of pathetic.

It’s actually a little weird. You have the grittyish western setting and the only anime thing is the MC’s hair.

Shiva incarnations are usually on the fan-service side and this one is pretty flat compared to previous incarnations so I wouldn't expect anything big.

>not fetishy
oh user

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Ignore and hide barry posts.

I'll kill you.

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but I want to play your game

I'll shill to you.

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Thanks man. Hook me up with more gameplay footage.

>sausage fest

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I don't actually have the webms but the one earlier in the thread has a good portion of what they showed. They said there'll be more early next year.

is barry asleep or something