Cultural phenomenon

Cultural phenomenon

Attached: F0A739D8-CFA1-4280-9104-D693C4D0F1F6.jpg (1242x1586, 1.21M)

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based chinks

babby's first gacha, literally only "popular" due to CCP propaganda

That's cool I enjoyed the fuck out of Honkai 3

It's actually pretty fun, though I do now wonder what my CCP Social Credit Score is now that they have all of my information.

>why CCP spyware is taking the world by storm

It feels like the press is fueling this shit. I don't know anyone who play this shit IRL.

This is Forrest Liu. The man who saved gaming.

Say something nice about him.

Attached: Forrest Liu Genshin Impact.png (1196x671, 414.09K)

It can't be redeemed

pure cope

>game looks amazing
>has tons of content
>solid gameplay
>you can get everything in the game and have the full experience and not spend a dime

no wonder it's a hit

Attached: EjxGBK_WoAIPMHv.jpg (818x1075, 114.95K)

>a gacha with actual gameplay instead of a glorified slot machine
>Gets shat on by Zig Forums
I wonder why

Attached: 1453013214971.jpg (292x222, 14.84K)

>I don't know anyone who likes fun games
I wonder why.

Attached: 2.webm (888x500, 2.82M)

>Babby's first gacha
How desperate are you guys to shitpost where you try to falseflag gatekeeping traditional pisseasy RPGs?

So this...
Is the power...

Attached: Genshin 3.png (1601x900, 2.39M)

>one button combat
>sponge enemy
>specials on cooldown
>flashy shit everywhere
Yup. It's gacha

Is it possible to change the graphics settings on ps4?

>playing on ps4
It's your own fault, really.

just play on pc fucktard not on a console that runs on 2012 hardware

That's all I need to know
It's trash from the get go
Remove the gacha and I might consider it good

Good. I like playing the game and love my Venti. She's fucking cute and I want to pull on those braids while face deep in her pussy

My main problem isn't the game itself It's still gachashit tho
It's the fucking anti cheat spyware on steroid with 100% access to everything on your computer
If they remove the kernel access on it, I would be willing to try it but it will never happen

why the fuck does this need admin acces

Stop asking questions
Buy more rolls

The girls are pretty cute I'm questioning if Taiwan is a legitimate state

>Cultural phenomenon
and other subversive hebrew tactics you can use to shill your mobile game on Zig Forums!

>>one button combat
Ask me how I know that you didn't even watch the webm, let alone played the game.

Attached: 3.webm (900x560, 2.97M)

Well, so long as you're consistent and also don't play any of these games:

To mine bitcoins out of you easier.

But I have. You can spam attack and hit the specials on cooldown
That's the depth of the combat

>push button
>big explosion
Woah, great gameplay you got there