Zig Forumsidya Drawthread

Previous Thread >Post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin, no OCs
>No shitposting, bumping requests or misusing Loomis and other artist names
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>When posting a delivery PLEASE don't forget to link to the anchor post.
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:
vidyart.booru.org/ (current)
vidyart2.booru.org/ (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites:
catbox.moe/ or imgur.com/

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:

Attached: stupid adorable cosmic horror.png (800x1600, 803.52K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Anchor post:

Attached: 338b29fc78775f297df78ae8611a35e735516b17.png (700x750, 318.53K)

Requesting Purah at the beach in a micro bikini and sunglasses holding out a bottle of lotion saying try not too get too handsy

Attached: PHAoC.jpg (1353x879, 205.26K)

Requesting lewds of Stealth Suit Mk II from Fallout New Vegas

Attached: waifu suit.jpg (1024x770, 49.86K)

Requesting OoT Princess Zelda applying makeup in front of a mirror, preparing for her revealing her identiy to Link at the Temple of Time. Optionally with parts of the outfit not being put on yet, like the shoulders and jewellery.

Attached: OoT Zelda.jpg (600x1200, 108.65K)

requesting mario drawn with mario 64 proportions

Attached: 2-8.jpg (883x488, 37.31K)

Requesting Female Blood Dragon sticking her ass up and getting a rimjob from user

Attached: Blood Dragon.jpg (1024x576, 183.75K)

Cute clown

Requesting Phoenix selling weed

Attached: 1600654738136.jpg (527x396, 40.36K)

Requesting Vidya girls getting pantsed.

Attached: gin-panties.gif (640x360, 804.67K)

Requesting Otter 2B eating fish and chips

Attached: otter2b.png (1221x701, 47.46K)

Requesting Summoner Refia from FF3 playing with or being friendly towards a common Final Fantasy enemy, like a Cactuar or Tonberry.

Attached: __moogle_scholar_summoner_refia_and_luneth_final_fantasy_and_1_more_drawn_by_nama_tadpole__aa970e0dbdefed62db440cd03c3a49f2.jpg (519x729, 83.5K)

Requesting the Huntress in her normal and succubus forms symmetrically docking their breasts together.

Attached: dd2471t-c2e01a2b-7493-4e3e-ac05-0dd26db6258e.png (575x180, 12.3K)

Requesting one of (or both of) the girls from Arcana, the SNES JRPG where everything was represented by cards, playing with cards, or simply a pose where they're holding up a card of themselves or something else matching the in-game art. The card doesn't have to be detailed.
Visual reference for the cards:

Attached: arcana_art_3.png (1139x767, 1.37M)

What's that? Sounds militant

Requesting Aku Aku or another guy warning user about Raccoon Ami while she eats a Wumpa fruit, unaware of their conversation
>"She has fangs and front facing eyes. She's a predator. Run."

Attached: Raccoon_Ami.png (1280x415, 660.71K)

No shame OP, no shame at all

Requesting 9-Volt gifting a Rental Mommy shirt to 5-volt

Attached: bolts.jpg (1024x848, 82.07K)

Requesting something cute or cool with the knight classes from FFT and Tactics Ogre together, or them having tea together and discussing tactics.

Attached: 1477191179629.jpg (713x1000, 415.85K)

Pantsing, also known as depantsing, debagging, dacking, flagging, sharking and scanting, is the pulling down of a person's trousers and sometimes also underpants, usually against their wishes, and typically as a practical joke or a form of bullying, but in other instances as a sexual fetish. Wikipedia

requesting an upset melony (pokemon shield) telling a very confused bea (sword) to "stay away from allister"

Attached: melonybea.png (2164x1080, 3.59M)

Requesting kanna in a tight-fitting micro bikini

Attached: kanna reference.png (1102x687, 825.73K)

Requesting Curly Brace with braces.

Attached: 0658918811EA4935B826FE081F53BF1B.jpg (400x566, 46.84K)

Requesting Hat Adult giving candies and gifts to her younger self and Ribbon and Mustache Girl to celebrate Halloween

Attached: haf.jpg (1024x792, 141.84K)

Requesting the ref in the Catbox link, but with shota Link and Urbosa. Urbosa is wearing ninja garb and a veil mask because it's a Gerudo night raid. Maybe include a couple of Gerudos looking in through the window and asking if she's going to help transport the prisoners.
Optionally, have Link mutter "B-but Saria was supposed to be my first." while thinking about the cheek kiss he got form her the previous day.

Attached: Shota Link and Urbosa.png (1210x715, 1.17M)

Requesting fashionable Roll.

Attached: Roll_Caskett.png (332x650, 161.68K)

Little Witch Nobeta and Paimon going at each other's throats.

Attached: 1602134665755.jpg (906x951, 134.36K)

Requesting Adeleine participating in Blacktober then getting cancelled after it's been found out she's white.

Attached: Adeleine.png (350x382, 181.94K)

Requesting X7 Alia shopping for a new body, looking through a window where her X8 body's torso is on display. Optionally with other reploid or vidya robot girls in the store display next to it.

Alternatively, just her looking through a window at her X8 body with advertisements selling it as a fashionable new body. Another user suggested it being a generic reploid being the one to look at Alia's body, or her X8 body being sold as the new model, while her old body is also on display but is discounted

Attached: aliaref.png (637x727, 358.08K)

Requesting Malon and her ranch getting subjected to taxes by Zelda.

Attached: Ranch work is taxing.png (756x807, 928.63K)

>but in other instances as a sexual fetish
Similar to the weird japanese thing with the fingers on buttholes. Got it.

Requesting Shantae getting flustered on Halloween because people think she's wearing a costume and keep complimenting her

Attached: eel_shantae.png (851x436, 531.43K)

Requesting Zidane and Garnet as sexy cat burglars.

Attached: Zidane and Garnet.jpg (657x1000, 76.34K)

Requesting Amitie from Puyo Puyo dressed as Amity Blight from the Owl House.

Attached: Amitie Blight.png (571x782, 334.75K)

Requesting male Byleth wearing this shirt and hat

Attached: Artwork_Byleth_M.png (2592x1740, 2.05M)

Requesting Naoto re-designed as an edgy, masked vigilante. Something like Dead Rabbit and/or The Question. Preferably with the same dark blue colour scheme and the mask being a little sheer or skin-tight enough to make Naoto's face more distinctive.

Attached: Naoto Vigilante.png (1221x744, 560.74K)

>OP posting his request again
Not even ALF does this he usually waits minutes before going with his Star Fox and GBF requests.

Requesting the bottom scene redraw with Ly (left) Rayman (middle) and Barbara (right) from Rayman franchise

Attached: adieu.jpg (658x725, 146.3K)

Draco as Luz. Not trying to ruin your request I really think it'll be cute with both together.

Requesting Ibuki as a perverted ninja. Doing stuff like sneaking into boys' rooms at night, picking the lock on the changing rooms, spying on homo sex like she saw in yaoi, etc.

Attached: Ibuki.png (1683x593, 1.38M)

Requesting Priest (male) from Disgaea in a skimpy outfit, maybe something Halloween related.

Attached: 1578665248410.png (1274x2806, 3.08M)

Requesting Succubus SMTV Protagonist getting fucked, or pegged, by a real demon or incubus while he jerks him off using his tail.

Attached: 1596181877816.jpg (1024x737, 33.89K)

Requesting Rastafarian King Dedede and Kirby. Maybe in the style of Inner Circle.

Attached: Rasta King Dedede and Kirby.png (1608x612, 1.78M)

Are you guys trying to stir up drama to get this one request drawn or something? You don't do this with any of the other garbage requests that top every thread, these multiple attention whoring look-at-me posts. It's not going to work, you know.

Requesting Susie in her doctor outfit giving user a paizuri
Reference: files.catbox.moe/w8js1h.jpg

Attached: Dr susie paizuri.png (800x930, 509.19K)

Requesting Lucy from Metal Slug giving a tonguejob with her mini mecha

Attached: Lucy.png (953x983, 893.82K)

Pretty much that's OP trying to bait artists with a sob story

Requesting Solana from Pokemon having a werewolf kind of transformation but obviously resembling Lycanroc.

Attached: solana.png (487x283, 137.61K)

OR genuinely thinks this will work for some reason

Requesting a cute goth girl Genny for halloween.

Attached: Goth Genny - Fire Emblem Echoes.jpg (2697x3668, 1.44M)

Requesting The Convict flashing her tits at user while her hairy pussy is exposed

Attached: Enter the Gungeon.jpg (811x1024, 70.02K)

heavy guard doing the royalguard pose

Attached: heavyguard.png (741x612, 449.43K)

Requesting hot wild sex with best XCOM female

Attached: 1601169599701.jpg (974x1024, 85.33K)


Requesting Wardrobe Malfunction

Attached: light whore.jpg (872x1024, 100.58K)

Requesting Shanoa with her boots off, legs crossed, and with black nail polish. Rest of the outfit also optional, though I think the slit skirt would accentuate her slender legs nicely.

Attached: Shanoa Castlevania.jpg (2680x2057, 1.1M)

Requesting chubby Lucina

Attached: lucy.png (340x543, 155.76K)

Requesting Re-Class painting her shark tail as Godzilla

Attached: reclass.jpg (850x1176, 245.7K)

Requesting William as a modern day weeb.

Attached: William Nioh.jpg (1414x2000, 980.48K)

Requesting Specter Knight as Ghost Rider riding his scythe

Attached: Specter.png (409x902, 176.06K)