Let's discuss the possibility of the Bloodborne PC port in this thread...

Let's discuss the possibility of the Bloodborne PC port in this thread. Snoy fags are not welcome and if you reply in this thread you will be ignored.

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Why would you even want to play this trash just play Sekiro

it's a 5 year old game, go play something else you fucking soulsniggers

It's coming. look forward to the second half of october

if demon's souls remake gets ported to pc, bloodborne will too.

Never. Hahahahaha!

>heard you can finally bloodborne on pc with psnow
>the service not available in your country

It's bad enough that i live in eastern europe. Now this!

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I'd love to see it on PC but if we haven't heard anything about it by now, I doubt it's happening

>source: my ass

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Bloodborne isn't even getting updated for the PS5.

>My prediction

Sony have realized how much money they're losing by not releasing their games on PC. Multiplats are what makes Sony filthy rich. Releasing exclusives to PC under their own launcher will increase their profits.

DeS PC is happening, BB PC is happening. Cry about it, wojak post me but its happening. If you believe the "human error" mistake you're a retard

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because it isn't a good game. no surprise really.

>source: dude trust me

>BB running at 30fps on the PS5

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the camera barely moves anyway so it doesn't matter that much.
It'll still get upgraded though.

>Source: *

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Ah, the famous mustwait race
You're so fucking pathetic. I'm sure you're trying your hardest to forget how happy and smug you got a month ago during that hour where demon's souls PC version was "confirmed" and then when you got denied (again) you went full damage control
That was delicious. Keep coping and begging

not ever gonna happen, unless we are able to emulate it someday. cope, seethe etc

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fuck off

Bought a used PS4 this Monday to play BB and kinda regret it. I was hyped as fuck to play it, too.

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I hope Bloodborne releases on PC just so that PCfags can finally realize that the game isn't as good as everyone makes it out to be.

at least now it'll be a stable 30 fps, instead of 24 fps with frequent drops

Don't bother, the reason people want a PC port is just so they can play this shit at a respectable frame rate.
It runs like absolute garbage on PS4.

>camera's the only reason game should be 60fps
based retard

Imagine being able to fathom the levels of pathetic seething from this inference.

I stop caring about BB PC port and Elden ring a while ago, I'm legitimately more exited for pic related than anything else desu.

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tick tock

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dont forget to pre-order your PS5 goiym

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It's not as noticeable with lock-on as say an FPS game. It won't automatically make you better either.

>I lost taste
good for you I guess?

>tfw no elden ring or silksong news
>there is no end in sight

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Ok user, hear me out, I hope I can help you with this.
I did it while living in Greece, so it should work anywhere really.
Go make a UK paypal account, a fake one, doesn't matter, fill whatever stupid info you can. Try to make it seem kinda legit.
Make a UK account on playstation, and add this fake paypal. Make sure to put the same first/last name of the paypal to the UK account on playstation.
Now, got to G2A and buy a UK (gbp) playstation gift card, a 15£ will do, don't remember how much it is nowdays, ckeck it. But it with your actual paypal, doesn't matter.
Now, log in and download the client with the UK account and all that crap, and on the website, just add the gift card on your account, and buy the sub. Presto, now for one month you can enjoy anything it has to offer. I finished the game (among others) with extremely low imput lag, quite surprisingly. Again, I was playing from Greece and connecting to a UK server. Go for it!