Post em boyos
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There you go,faggot
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uh oh, Zig Forums's not gonna like this
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>Team Fortress 2 in almost half of replies
I didn't know so many people on Zig Forums still played that game.
Its shit but its got an event for halloween going on and people pulled out their rose tinted goggles
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You're more than welcome to give me Steam games, user.
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Not even sure what "Overload" is
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only based if he was using arma 3 tools to rip pbos from shitty mod devs
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Do I have the gay? I can't find the recent listed like this. The only thing I have on the library list is "ALL"
Oh, found it. Disregard me I suck cocks.
Look at those normies all playing casual FPshit
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I highly recommend bean battles. It's like 1 dollar and it's some of the most fun I've had in a FPS for years
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I don't have it installed right now, but you can have my id
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