According to Atlus, 13 Sentinels has exceeded their sales expectations and become very successful despite the slow start. What went right? I thought it was going to be a tough sell?
>During its opening week, all retail versions of the game sold just over 34,200 units, debuting in fifth place in the charts.[56] These low sales were blamed by Kamitani on the game's blend of genres, difficult production, and releasing alongside other popular titles.[57] While initial sales were low, positive word of mouth from both players and other industry figures caused sales to increase, resulting in stock shortages.[57][58] It remained in the top 30 best-selling titles into January, with total physical sales of nearly 59,500 units.[59] By this point, physical and digital sales had reached 100,000 units.[60] In their fiscal report, Atlus said that 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim exceeded their sales expectations.
This may be a reverse XV-kun style spam thread, but whatever, I'll bump it anyway because the game is great and needs more exposure.
Angel Rogers
It's a tough sale for me but the more you guys post about it the more I am curious...
Word of mouth is powerful, just look at... Genshin... Impact..........
Evan White
Wtf even is this game? What is the gameplay?
Charles Brown
Is this coming to swithc? Otherwiser I dont care.
Austin Evans
Jeremiah Fisher
Half interactive visual novel and rts
Nolan Nelson
Damn I was gonna buy it too. I played Starcraft for 10 years and I only got worse.
Brandon Anderson
I would say 65% VN/story and 35% battle. But yeah. Its a story-driven game with giant mechs, kaijus, japanese teenagers, and Vanillaware's fucking amazing art and Basiscape's glorious soundtrack.
If 1980's style kaiju based stories are your shit you will be right at home here.
Parker Powell
Oliver Baker
>low sales >exceeded their sales expectations
atlus knew the game was going to be garbage from the start so they werent expecting much out of it. lol
Wyatt Bell
100,000 in January (over 200,000 at this point) is great for a game like this.
Isaiah Gonzalez
Buy genshin impact!!!!
John Rogers
10% Tower defense crap 90% vn
Henry White
Almost all Vanillaware games go through this. They come out with low sales expectations but grow over time. I don't think this game will get anywhere near Muramasa or Dragon's Crown sales levels because of the type of game it is. But I'm glad they actually expected lower sales and didn't take the shitty Square/Konami approach, expecting every game to surpass the last one.
Now, please give us a new Muramasa style game or Muramasa in 1080p.
Jeremiah Flores
Several threads late, but they were implanted by 426 when he was pretending to be Erika Aiba.
Justin Thomas
I was waiting to see people's opinions on this. Glad to see you guys liked it, I'll give it a try.
Liam Murphy
Ok now put it on the Switch so people can actually play it.
I'm surprised by how much I enjoy the battles, even though I'm not super fond of the immobility after each ability use. It feels like it belongs in a turn based system, but that's not the case.
Tyler Lee
It's basically the same battle system as FF7. I know there's a term for it, but it escapes me.
Matthew Hernandez
Sorry to hear that he ruined the prologue for you
James Anderson
ATB? Action turn-based
Gavin Wright
Seems like a big success to me.
Hudson Wilson
Yeah. You do an action, then you wait for the meter to fill up. Then you can do an action whenever you want, and battle is paused while in the menu.
I don't like visual novels and I don't like sci-fi / kaiju type setting. But I bought this game to support Vanillaware and was actually blown away by it. It really is that good.
Dylan Ward
Eh, he kept it vague enough. Didn't really spoil anything I didn't know
Charles Reyes
Seems like a flop to me.
Hudson Murphy
Literally every Vanillaware game for me. >I don't like this genre but I'll try it >wtf I love this genre now! Why can't other games do this?
That's weird considering the devs and the publisher are calling it a success. Don't tell me you're just seething over the translations?
Robert Myers
looks like vanillaware still has bad blood with nintendo so probably not
Kayden Morales
This game's story is a masterpiece, truly pity the retards who miss out because of their console war.
Leo Perry
>unlock yakisoba pan man >he immediately gets tied up and teased by Okino >Okino also lured Ogata with looks >and got right up into Ei's personal space for no reason This guy is thirstier than Miwako. Why didn't all pilots get a route anyway?