When does a vidya secret become TOO cryptic?
When does a vidya secret become TOO cryptic?
I wasted so much time on that fucking river. I swore my game was bugged.
When I can’t figure it out
that's too infamous to be considered a secret
How did this shit work again?
When you aren’t able to deduce it from only in-game sources.
That said, the puzzle for the Regis was kino.
Amount of information given. For example, Feebas is too cryptic, but the Regis aren't
The probability of finding a water tile with Feebas on Route 119 is approximately 1/73, with six possible fishing spots on 436 water tiles. In Mt. Coronet, it is 1/132, with four possible fishing spots on 528 water tiles. If the player reels in one Pokémon in every tile, the chance of passing every Feebas tile without reeling in a single Feebas is 1/64 on Route 119, while in Mt. Coronet it is 1/16.
Feebas can only spawn on six randomized tiles, which changed whenever you made a new "trendy phrase" by talking to some random guy in dewport, on the other side of the region. Bear in mind that even on the correct tiles there's still multiple pokémon you can find by fishing, so you have to check each tile a few times.
you can find a feebas by fishing on one of the 6 correct of a total of 447 water tiles, when you fish on a correct tile the probability of finding a feebas is 3/4. so in total it's about 1%.
after that you can evolve it by giving it enough beauty which you do by force feeding it tons of food you can get from a minigame.
The remake added a whole new level of cryptic on top of it.
Is Feebas a particularly good Pokemon? Googling it just looks a generic fish pokemon
>in game sources
Is there a correlation between the trendy phrase and what tiles feebas is on? For instance, if my trendy phrase is I SWALLOW SLUDGE TO TRANSFORM MYSELF, then the 6 tiles would be the same every time? Or is it just that changing the phrase randomizes the tiles? If it was the former, I wouldn't be surprised if someone had already made a tool that finds the tiles associated with each phrase.
It evolves into a Milotic, which is a pretty good bulky wall with a good movepool. Feebas is just the Magikarp of Gen 3.
There is no in-game translator for braille.
milotic is very good in gen 3 as its only weaknesses are grass and electric which are both special types before the split and it has high special defense
it evolves into milotic which was a pokemon everyone wanted back then
Don't all these pillars show the braille alphabet? I mean, it doesn't explicitly state . = A or whatever, but if you see 26 different sets of dots, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out. Also, there was a chart in the game manual.
I think that's his point.
you forgot
>Relicanth and wailord must be in party in random order
love when pokemon does this shit tbqhwyf
my favourite "hidden" thing is the underleveled salamence in the first island in gen7
Matching two sets of 26 to one another means manually trying 676 matches and it could still be wrong.
No worth it for 3 colored geodes
We not gonna talk about wynaut island?
Bro what the fuck I don't even nickname my pokemangs
IIRC it's derived from the phrase and also your trainer ID, so two different people would not be able to use the same phrase to find it.
What? I assume it'd be in alphabetic order. No need for all of that, just write it down. But again, I don't remember what exactly is on those pillars.
>When you aren’t able to deduce it from only in-game sources
But user, how am I gonna sell OFFICIAL GAME GUIDES™ then?
>tfw spent an ungodly amount of hours trying to get a Pheebas but never got one.
I just wanted a Milotic, man
It's cryptic but not that weird
You knew feebas was at that zone, you just thought that it had a like a 1/10000 encounter rate or something
There's a couple water tiles where you can fish for Feebas on the river that spans the entirety Route 119, arguably the largest route in the history of Pokemon. These tiles are determined by what the trendy phrase in Dewford Town is, it's completely nonsensical and random.
The manual literally came with a Braille alphabet and you should be able to identify it at a glance anyway and look it up
Needing a nicknamed pokémon totally falls in line with the classic regi puzzles, the problem is that there's no braille wall to decipher, you're just expected to find it based off of one vague NPC in a random town, it's barely any better than Feebas.
>tfw I got one in Emerald
>mfw never knew about this
>mfw found one back then
>mfw didn't even bothered because I didn't gave a shit about feebas or milotic
>mfw this post
Jesus christ this fucking game