Scholars of Zig Forums. What is the winning formula for creating the perfect vidya girl?
Scholars of Zig Forums. What is the winning formula for creating the perfect vidya girl?
When she's not on screen, all of the other characters should be going "where's vidya girl?".
shota sidekick
She needs huge tits, and a wide ass, and toned arms, and a rockin' six pack. And she should have shining bronze skin and a cute voice and nice lips and either a helmet or some sort of headgear that hides her eyes and upper half of her head, and she should be sitting on my face.
You don't find out she's a girl until you're 80% through the game and you do the side quest that shows you her titties.
she is likable and successfully appeals to the player.
if she autoloots bodies of my enemies I'll consider marriage and escort quests
Mommy with big ass and tiddies, but in her ultimate form she turns into cute and funny.
caster that recharge mana in a very peculiar way
cuteness above all else
if she's not cute, why bother?
Add a joke form where she's a shortstack, and you have my vote.
the protagonist gets her pregnant
And make her a loli, haha. Just a joke. hahaha
Phara is best girl.
Confident and sassy
Quote and curly cuddling and holding hands.
That's already covered by the final form. Don't be greedy and double dip.
Lots of confidence, energetic but very catty and sarcastic, great with money and great at making it, equally good at hiding her true feelings, very discerning with which people she trusts, tries to pretend she's just a common thief but secretly has a heart of gold, knows her way around a sword but also adept at magic, short scruffy hair, very modest breasts, a tummy made for kisses and a winning smile.
Her skin color needs to be brown and her hair needs to be white
Anything as long as you can romance and/or fuck her.
Long ears
not a robot, that's for sure.
>genuinely nice to you
>the same as you in a fish-out-of-water scenario
It's not enough to be pretty, you have to have a genuine admiration for her in the game. Curly Brace is perfect and I love her
i cant tell you how many loads ive blown to nickleflicks curly art.
basue and marypilled
i like the subtle long arms meme
>armpit revealing outfit
>animal ears
>thigh highs or pantyhose
>literally one of my game's characters
Nice to see I'm on a good track.
She looks like shit in her og artstyle.
is this true?
Cute and sexy at the same time. With a good personality and some character agency. That's literally it. The problem is, various people have different tastes when it comes to these simple properties. Something I find cute, others won't. Something you think is sexy just won't do it for a lot of other people. At the very best, you can make a character maybe 50% of people will agree on. Most get more like 25% or less. Just the addition of one thing like glasses will be a major turn on for a small amount of people but a turn off for the majority.