> Trained Spec Ops.
> Loyal to the Empire
> Empire falls, Still loyal.
> Empire attacks home planet.
> "I realize empire bad."
Fuck off
> Trained Spec Ops.
> Loyal to the Empire
> Empire falls, Still loyal.
> Empire attacks home planet.
> "I realize empire bad."
Fuck off
>EA stories are all fucking garbage
Wow good find
Operation Cinder or whatever made zero sense and I'm amazed there's people on the internet trying to justify it
No matter what marketers tell you they'll never do a Star Wars where the space fascists are presented in a positive light. Or even morally questionable for that matter. Which is ironic because apparently majority of people in western countries prefer the Empire to Rebels. In think when TOR launched Empire outnumbered the Republic more than 2 to 1.
I think I browse this site too much. I clicked this thread assuming it would be some seething about the a minority woman being in the game lol
Duuuuuuuuude. Palpatine was Hitler and Hitler ordered Paris and Berlin destroyed. Nero Decree brah.
We could pretend to be upset by her so you can simp for a fictional mudskin and farm the epic whiteknighting for your friends back on reddit, if you want.
>written by Bitch Dyker
There's your issue
She can't be a bad character, she's a brown female, shut the fuck up you incel
Its fun to be the badguy and the Imerial Agent has the best class storyline followed closely by the Sith Inquisitor.
Also the Sith are just overall better than the Jedi, even if their ideology is fucking hilariously stupid.
why didn't they just hyperspace straight through the death star's core?
but muh white supremacists
Honestly, SWTOR showed that it's possible to be quintessentially Sith without being a moustache-twirling asshole 24/7.
you're only allowed to play the bad guys if there's some morality hook about the character you're playing having an epiphany and siding with the good guys instead. because fuck the player's choice
I mean, if you run a Sith Inquisator most of the options are comically evil. Sith Warrior had the better options I feel.
I played Light Side Sith Inquisitor, which in contrast to Dark Side (which I tried once, and hated) you feel intelligent and devoted to the Empire.
Fuck sith. That's right.
This. If you don't portray fascists as cartoonishly evil supervillains, people will assume that you're a fascist or a fascist sympathizer. That's how fucking narrow minded and retarded people have become now.
>Dorks outnumber heroes so let's glorify the dorks instead
Because they were good friends
I can see that.
Really the only difference between a darkside and lightside Sith Warrior is that the lightside thinks that war still has rules.
The only Republic story that was any good was the commando, but you're basically Star Wars Shepard.
There's no such thing as a non-cringe fascist. SW is spot on.
well thanks for proving me right anyways
wew lad
reminder that anyone over the age of 13 that consume start wars product are manchildrens that should take their own life asap
Jedi sentinel (was that the name? The dual-side lightsaber class) had an ok story I thought.
does respawn consider to be EA?
Lol they actually made her uglier and amplified the negro features when the game came out.
Imperial Agent does it pretty well in swtor. You end up having like 5 options by the end with it. Side with internal sith coup, side with establishment sith leaders, side with non-sith in imperials in intelligence, go rogue on your own, defect to republic.
It's always sad to go to the republic fleet and how much of a ghost town it is
Yeah Inquisitor just feels like a poor man's warrior. They have kinda similar structures and events but Darth Baras is so much better of a villain than Darth Thanaton. LS sith inquisitor falls aparent in act 2 because the ghosties turning on you makes no sense when you willingly convinced them to join you.
Fascism is the political equivalent of throwing tantrums. It's inherently cringe.
Weren't the rebels fighting to reinstate a monarchy?
Or, at best, an oligarchy.
stay mad faggot
I met her IRL at a black bear diner on thanksgiving a couple years back. Kind of a surreal experience watching people on Zig Forums shit post about her and then see her irl. Nice lady.
If you had planet destroying weapons wouldn't you be firing it at whatever planet you suspect your enemy's on like in Episode IV rather than yourself? Even if you held it off for your death you'd want a final "fuck you" as the universe burns
SWTOR is kind of funny in that a "Light Side" character doesn't actually always mean someone who uses the Light Side of the Force. A Light Side Inquisitor is definitively less evil and less Dark narratively than a Dark Side Inquisitor, but are still very much pro-Empire and pro-Dark Side. It's all relative, really; one of the Imperial Light Side option is to convince a bunch of Force-Sensitive Rakghouls to turn back to the Dark Side and murder the Jedi Master trying to train them; the other option is to rig a reactor to just kill them all instead. A lot of the Imperial/Inquisitor choices really boil down to being selfish at the expense of the Empire, or being devoted to the Empire and working to make it better.
Classic Republican; she doesn't care about anything until it directly affects her. Much, much more common than you'd think.
Her response was the only reasonable part.
The part where everyone else decided to start genociding a planet that was loyal to the Empire because that's apparently what the emperor wanted in the event of his death was the retarded part.
This. They are literally just selfish. I don't know why they put on airs about doing the right thing. I'd respect them a lot more if they didn't argue like children.
Can you please stop criticizing this masterpiece, you right wing incel?
That was Consular but his was entirely a diplomatic mission, its wasn't a bad story but it had nothing on the commando I felt.
Don't I know it, Sith in that game were based.
>literally everyone and their grandma prefers the Empire
>hurr durr Star Wars is proof that fascists are cringe