Why would they blow the biggest name in the pass as the 2nd reveal...

Why would they blow the biggest name in the pass as the 2nd reveal? Now interest is only going to lull for the remaining mystery niggas.

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im just waiting for the pt girl you know the horror game cause you dont know about that and nintendo he makes the game the guy so be ready this is big outrage they are over and he gets it in this even twice

Based ESL-kun

based on timing this was supposed to be the big e3 reveal character

Not enough confidence in the remaining fighters being pass sellers. Nintendo just wanted their money ASAP. Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for a good reason to buy FP2 because the picks haven't sold me at all.

They had to make up for their first party IPs, Byleth and Min Min, disappointing everyone.

>why did they start the pass with such an underwhelming character as Min Min? They lowered people's expectations for the rest of the pass
>why would they end the pass with such a bad character as Byleth? They killed all the hype for the next pass
Literally no way to win with you faggots. Just shut up.

>Ashley, Shantae, Geno, and Master Chief are not "big names"
OK, zoomer.

>Ashley, Shantae, Geno
>big names

>some youtube lets player kiddie clickbait game that was popular in 2012
>biggest name

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Unbased UOL-sama

>mystery n-word

>ashley, shantae, geno
>anywhere close as iconic as steve minecraft
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no

While I do agree with this statement, it’s currently the best selling title in the gaming industry.

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imagine posting on a video game enthusiast discussion forum and not knowing how big minecraft still is

He’s speaking the language of the gods...

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>Minecraft got popular in 2012
Exit immediately, zoomer

Those aren't contradictory opinions retard, but honestly they should have led with master chief and ended with steve, first and last should both be big reveals

>anywhere close to being even in the spectrum of mainstream
i've never seen someone in such denial and unaware of it

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They did exactly that with Hero though.

No one cares about green samus. Especially when he hasn’t had a semi-okayish game since Halo 3

Unless they were severely delayed, I doubt that
We would've gotten a Fall Direct after E3 and that would've revealed Steve

:) GENO is irrelevant

he makes some good points

Only chief is

If you preorder it they already have your money. Gotta give players a reason to buy asap

Unironically the next step is to meme Reimu into Smash.

He was probably meant to be an E3 reveal before covid screwed everything

Never happening you delusional weeb.

But you already bought the mystery nigs

Aaaaand right on time.

Don't whitewash Steve.

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Minecraft casually tops 200 million copies sold across all platforms with 126 million active users.
For active users, that’s doubled the amount of EVERY Smash game ever sold.

Master Chief will never be in smash, now that we have two Microsoft reps in 1 smash title

But they didn't reveal Sora yet.

>be sakurai
>plan the biggest reveal, Steve, to be the last pass
>keep making animu literal whos in between
>almost done
>COVID hits
>ohhhrrr noo misturru Sakurai rrerrreeeseee steeveee-kun now

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I haven't played Minecraft since any 2012 (like any sane person), why the fuck does Steve have wings?