Has a video game ever made you actually cry?
Has a video game ever made you actually cry?
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Is american dad still good?
I love these threads. I'm excited for the "I'm a tough guy, crying at a video game is for sissy babies" dude to show up
As for me, MGS3 and 4 got me good.
Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure
not really
little witch nobeta
Better than nu-Simpsons, Family Guy and South Park.
If you cry over a made up scenario involving fictional characters you need to stop buying video games and spend that money on therapy and stop being a faggot. God I hate nu males
I’ve never watched it but that clip where the guy keeps getting more violent weapons to murder his wife or w/e and it caps out on him holding a cougar who’s holding a chainsaw is pretty fucking funny
you are literally the person they're describing
Light and Dark is the best chapter in the game and one of the best chapters in the entire series.
based af, amazing game
Bros is engaging with media cringe
I cried when Ridley was in Smash since it was a dream come true. Call me a faggot, I don"t care, it was fucking beautiful.
dark souls 2 made me cry because it was so bad
I cried a little when ME3 was a massive disappointment.
I'm not sure why Zig Forums hates it so much. It's definitely on the weaker side of the series, but fuck me does nothing activate the ducts more than "This is good, isn't it?"
Roguuu......don’t like genshiiiinnn impaaacctt....
It's not at its peak anymore, and it has a couple stinker episodes. But overall, yeah pretty good.
Wait I don't remember seeing Rogu crying. Which episode is this from?
Genealogy can't have a "best chapter in the series" award, considering half of every chapter is just moving your units closer to an objective without any combat or strategy.
That being said, every chapter is so rich with info and lore. In the middle of replaying while reading all the dialogue and its insane just how relevant almost every bit of dialogue is.
Monster rancher, i was like 5, was spamming attack training on my monster and eventually it died to due exhaustion
Only two games have ever gotten to me. Yakuza 0 and Super Mario Galaxy
Edgy Retard
Probably some vn's, yeah. I wonder if I'll get the predictable greentext reply I'm expecting.
who the hell is rogu?
TBS Dad is a mixed bag. A very, VERY good mixed bag.
Discovering Overload, the true successor to descent, it's so incredibly kino I cried
Roger's baby alien
Yeah, this did. I related so much to it that I propelled my shitty life forward into getting married and pursuing a PhD in physics.
Ending to Shattered Memories gets me every time.
The Hand That Rocks The Rogu
so not good at all?
thinking about life in terms of winning and losing certainly doesn't get you where you want to be, that's for sure
I wish they owned the Descent franchise. This new setting doesn't grip me, and I miss Material Defender's biting noir detective-esque assessment of the situation.
Yes. I also bawled like a little girl when aunt may asked spider-man to take of his mask because she wanted to see her nephew.
Roger had a tumor that eventually grew into another alien.
Bawled my fucking eyes out at THAT Nishiki scene
This one is the closest I've cried to a game. Recently my roomate finished and cried too. One hell of a ride.