Baldur's Gate 3

No other game have so blatantly proven that Zig Forums is infected with zoomers and AAA studio shills.

Also, post characters.

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and trannies with all the female MCs

Here's mine, white straight male human fighter just like me.

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I'll play a Half-Elf wild magic sorcerer on launch, but he'll look like this

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based bros

look how mad you are, loser
cope harder

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Rogues are OP when handled correctly. Managed to solo this encounter with mine.

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Anyone killed the two minotaurs?

Find Familiar worth it?

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Turns out you can make a crpg with graphics, who knew

holy shit its my nigga Jaro Tapal

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shame they were nerfed in BG3, I don't even think they get Skill Expertise anymore, and Half-Elves were nerfed hard too which is usually the best race for them in 5E
how are they when it comes to utility? is there a lot they can do? are they fun or is it just backstabbing?

It's you again

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They're very fun, especially once you get Arcane Trickster and Mage Hand.

what system is this? please don't tell me 5e

Don't care, not playing. DivOS sucked, and if I wanted to play it I would

Love how I know nothing about the game and I can tell it will be SJW shit.


it's 5E, cope grognard

Suck some genderfluid dick, kike.

Its time to die, you slaver fucknugget.

>I can tell it will be SJW shit
A kid just died in front of me in the game.

White kid?

>doesn't know what DnD is

Fucking retard LOOOL

Obviously, I'm not a larping faggot. Nobody knew what it was when they played Planescape Torment and BG2 and those were good games.

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Getting near the end of kingmaker i feel, what should i start next D:OS or PoE?

Tiefling. So nothing of value was lost.

SJWs hate kids though. Or rather, kids belonging to the families they’ll never be a part of. Though they absolutely love getting handsy with kids if they can get away with it.

Those're lovely braids on xir. Goes well with xis make-up.

And an attention whore, lest we forget.

The character creator is pretty lacking, I want to make an old wizard but with the current faces he just looking like a 20 year old with grey hair.

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Larian is zoomer incarnate. Play Genshin Impact until they release something that resembles a finished product.

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Modified 5e.

Is it possible to recreate Azula in-game, both appearance and character-wise?

Can you change the way you wield a versatile weapon yet? The longsword lists damage values for both one-handed and two-handed use, but is the actual switching not in yet?

I'm waiting for Paladin before I buy it. Deadfire was a fucking shit game, but I really loved how they did Paladins and I want to see if Larian is going to take inspiration and make your Oath something you actually have to keep too. If not, why isn't Paladin already there?


Go back to codex dave you fat nerd. Are you really playing that chinese garbage?


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take the dwarfpill user
disregard stats, acquire roleplay

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Built for big orc cock.