>this is a game on steam
can't delete me now, we're discussing video games
This is a game on steam
Other urls found in this thread:
what game senpaitachi?
What is she watching on the laptop
Chad the game
looks to me as if she's recording herself getting fucked
Imagine her ass afterwards
K-on season 3
why are the laptop keys blank?
threads can still get deleted if they progress enough and there's clearly no video game discussion going on
people try stealth Zig Forums here all the time
Based, fuck rapefags.
ikr. i thought rape wasn't allowed on steam
>Mr. Wang
this is a chinese game, isn't it...
Why we can't have that on consoles?
>People pay actual money to watch one image with textboxes in a VN instead of just going to exhentai and watching the same kind of content with better quality for free
I liked this game a lot.
I can think of a game with rape, guro, incest and loli content on steam right now.
Another also comes to mind that's probably even "worse".
Being a game on steam is a very low bar of entry
Allows some good games to slip in though, even if you have to sift through the games yourself instead of being told what to like.
Steam is really inconsistent about what VNs they allow on there. I've seen some get denied just for having a high school setting while stuff like Maitetsu gets to stay.
name it, fag
Liz is too cute to be lewded.
>Kirbyfag has common sense and isn't insane
All is well in the world.
Are all the scenes animated?
Gaben is deathly afraid of highschool uniforms.
Pass. i'll just get the CG from sadpanda.
They just call it "dubious consent" or some other weasel shit
She's lewding herself.
Fine by me, I don't think it should be banned anyways.
you know what they same, first comes the rape, afterwards the consent. raping a woman is how you get her to consent in the first place if she enjoyed your dick.
lol Steam is such a shithole
>Mr. Wang
Not yet. They haven't added crotch's games yet.
Thoughts on eratohoK Zig Forums?
Just finished a game where I played as Tewi trying to romance Reisen, she got kidnapped by bandits and started to willingly work as their servant girl so I had to force a coup against the Eintei leadership and take over, starting a punitive campaign that ended with 60% of Gensokyo's population either trapped in tentacle pits or being used in an endless breeding chain with their sons basically the moment the kids knew how to walk.
I highly recommend it.
Sex is near identical for everyone making it boring as fuck.
Same issue TW has but far worse
i can't fucking understand the game
Is smt nocturne gonna have to be censored on steam like it was in Korea.
K is better than TW when it comes to every scene being near identical.
Idunno, I guess I just have a good imagination and the really generic sex scenes don't bother me.
take territory
enslave girls
sell slaves for cash
use cash for bigger army
take more territory.
>>K is better than TW when it comes to every scene being near identical.
Its objectively not
More characters have unique dialogue during sex written, nevermind translated, in K than TW.
I was specifically talking about during sex.