Who is the biggest chad board?
Who is the biggest chad board?
Other urls found in this thread:
it's always the good ones that have to die
/sp/ during the World Cup
/asp/ during PPVs
and it's overrated as shit, i rather live in legend of zelda youtu.be
2005-2008 Zig Forums
this whole website has been incurable cancer since then
Zig Forums
One of these days I want to make a flash game thread on Zig Forums after me and a couple other people upload some top flash games. Gonna have to be soon if I want to do it...
Lol no
There are people there with literal 6 pack abs who still can't get laid because of their autism
the people who said," hurr durr get laid" are degenerate fuckboy obese simps, or roided up retard wannabe chads i rather be introverted
/trash/ is ironically the best board on this site.
So much damn good porn there.
You can recognize how alpha a board is by the little of asshurt it provokes in normies.
Zig Forums is far and away the chaddest.
Zig Forums
>i rather be introverted
being introverted isn't a good thing
Neither is being a simp or a chad wannabe.
Just bee urself :)
>want to get into papercraft or origami
>everything that looks cool is impossible
>everything to learn with looks lame and still uses materials
>don't like wasting/throwing away stuff i bought and made, but don't like looking at stuff i don't enjoy
Have you even OPENED that board today? It's absolute cancer. The shityest it's been in years. Trannies and seething r*dditors everywhere. I doubt there are 20 real people who still browse that board.
Zig Forums prior 2016 was great, now days is just a bunch of mud people getting over mexicans having a better car than the,
It’s mostly bots at this point
calling paedophiles chads might be a bit deluded but go off ig
>Furfags, pedos, and underageb&
Zig Forums
>one series gets a whole dedicated board while every other one can only hope for a general on /vg/
Its Chad as fuck.
Fit is an lgbt offshoot and incel board
>Putting autists in quarantine
Yeah Moot was a CHAD to separate us from the cancer of pokegay
Zig Forums of course, the one that changed the history of mankind.
Reminder that half of the LGBT board came from the pokemon one,