AMD Ryzen 5950X / $799

16 cores / 32 threads

4.9GHz boost / 3.4GHz base

72MB L2+L3 cache

105W TDP

AMD Ryzen 5900X / $559

12 cores / 24 threads

4.8GHz boost / 3.7GHz base

70MB L2+L3 cache

105W TDP

AMD Ryzen 5800X / $449

8 cores / 16 threads

4.7GHz boost / 3.8GHz base

36MB L2+L3 cache

105W TDP

AMD Ryzen 5600X / $299

6 cores / 12 threads

4.6GHz boost / 3.7GHz base

35MB L2+L3 cache


Attached: Ej0d5V0WAAEwDXP.jpg (1920x1080, 215.74K)

Other urls found in this thread: ryzen threadripper 1950x&cm_re=amd_ryzen threadripper 1950x-_-19-113-620-_-Product

>Bought a 3700x last year
may as well kill myself to be honest

Attached: homu suicide.png (600x300, 285.27K)

So top end is now better than intel but mid to low range doesn't really offer any improvement from 3000 series?

1979 Hkjpeshrshseh
16 shocks
5561830ghz pluck
55 seared / 22 bite
3190 ppowni
did i make PC hardware?

>5600X is worse than a 3700X for more money

Bruh it's not the end of the world, a couple hundred at best right?

PC fags BTFO!!!

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>more expensive
AMD is turning into Intel. All you poor fanboy shitters need to understand that all companies are the same. They will now continue raising prices for each new generation.

Game benchmarks are the only things I trust. I don't care if your processor is better at winzip.

I bought a 3700x three months ago.

>bought a 3700x this year
guys my 6600k was a piece of shit I couldn't keep consistent frames in demons souls and I had to close programs to run COD please understand

Attached: d90.jpg (482x427, 74.8K)

>$125 pricehike
youre good bro

If you're playing at resolutions higher than 1080p you're probably good for a while still senpai.

You saved money and you can just overclock your 3700X to reach about the same level of performance.

I mean you didn't spend the money on an AMD "X" CPU, you are planning on overclocking it right?

sorry im lost where is the official intel cope thread??

>Poozen STILL can't hit 5Ghz

Attached: aFXf6.jpg (480x480, 24.53K)

lmao was planning on making my first good rig ever. Was gonna buy a R5 3600XT for 240 bucks. Do you lads think I should ditch it and get a and R5 56800X or R7 5800X?

Attached: 1565910114133.gif (498x373, 1.21M)

but doesn't AMD always have compatibility issues?

>that movie trailer intro

Attached: 1576960145727.jpg (500x375, 27.46K)

Holy shit, that's been on my to buy list for a while now, thank god I didn't actually do it

What do you need 5ghz for?

yeah first gen ryzen/zen+ with ram, bsod,freezing and blackedscreen of death.

>bought a 3800X at the beginning of the year
You don't know true pain.

Attached: if_only.png (588x683, 290.56K)

I bought one last month, bargain at £264. I have a decent X570 board so I'll just wait until Zen 3 chips inevitably come down in price to upgrade.

At least you didn't also bought a 2080ti, right?

every one of those should be at the very least 100$ cheaper.

It really is embarrassing at this point. One single core benchmark away from getting trashed by 14nm israeli parts.

Attached: 1595294757000.jpg (350x473, 46.73K)

I bought a 3600 last year, did I fuck up?

Attached: 1568597136932.jpg (580x548, 34.21K)

I got mine for $299 and the 5600x will barely be an upgrade in productivity and gaming. meanwhile, programs like rcps3 utilizes more cores for increased performance. if you were on a budget and could only drop $300ish for a processor, the 5800x would be out of your range and the 5600x doesn't look to be anything truly special.

ryzen is faster per clock than the intel cpus

any apus?

>""""ryzen is faster per clock than the intel cpus""""

Doesn't matter when PooZen can't do 4.6+GHz on all cores while Intel CPUs often reach over 5GHz on all cores.

Ha... Ha....
I got a 3900x and 2080 in March of this year

abnd? it will last you the entire generation. you don't need the newest barely faster shit

Attached: 0 (1).jpg (2508x3541, 3.01M)

I might actually switch from intel, what kind of mobo do I need for the AMD Ryzen 9 5900X?


Any good X570 or B550

>while Intel CPUs often reach over 5GHz on all cores.
>tdp 300w

Great, thanks user

x570. b550 are peasant boards.

AMD realized the 3600x and 3700x were too good for their price last year so now the cheap 8 core 5700x doesn't even exist anymore while the 6 core got a huge increase in price.
Such a damn shame. Success is making them as greedy as Intel and rising their prices sky high. I was really hoping AMD would bring a new era where 8 core CPUs would be the norm. The 3700x costing just 300€ was so good.

99999999999999999999999999999x Infinity cores cpu

>wanting a very tiny but obnoxious fan on the mb
>shilling 200 bucks more for that

>fan boogeyman
user, we've gone over that a billion times already. no one cares.

exactly no one cares about the fan
no one wants to buy a board just for that
better put those 200 bucks into a better cpu

>intelcucks still on pentium 3 ++++++
>the year of our lord 2020

Attached: 2416354.png (500x871, 192.41K)

being poor must suck

sooooooo those will be as scarce as the 3000 rtx series right?

>better cpu
I'm already buying a x900x, there isn't much room to go up from there

So if I don't plan on upgrading CPUs for at least 8 years, which should I get?

0 chance of getting a 5900X this year

Release Date when? Can't see order

my fist in your penis hole

3700x or 5600x?
upgrading from an i5 4690k

Which of these should I hop to if I have a 2700?

This is how everything will be from now on, most likely you will never again be able to buy something at launch unless you're really lucky, and it's only going to get worse over time

>better put those 200 bucks into a better cpu
>putting a better cpu into a budget board
x570 gives you better vrms, more pcie-4 and 3.2 ports. anyone that goes w/ a 3950x can afford an x570 instead of 3rd world b550. if you are getting a b550, your cpu will be 3800x or lower.

they could not have shilled that more could they

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wait for reviews, also it depends on the resolution and gpu

look at this ryzen threadripper 1950x&cm_re=amd_ryzen threadripper 1950x-_-19-113-620-_-Product


wow what a deal
buying rn

why tomb raider? this never struck me as one of those games that benefits from higher frames.

>$50 MSRP bump for a couple months because they're beating intel to market
What a bunch of jews jewing jews

>AMD Ryzen 5950X / $799

>16 cores / 32 threads

>4.9GHz boost / 3.4GHz base

>72MB L2+L3 cache

>105W TDP

>AMD Ryzen 5900X / $559

>12 cores / 24 threads

>4.8GHz boost / 3.7GHz base

>70MB L2+L3 cache

>105W TDP

>AMD Ryzen 5800X / $449

>8 cores / 16 threads

>4.7GHz boost / 3.8GHz base

>36MB L2+L3 cache

>105W TDP

>AMD Ryzen 5600X / $299

>6 cores / 12 threads

>4.6GHz boost / 3.7GHz base

>35MB L2+L3 cache

>65W TDP
I have no idea what these numbers mean