What went so wrong?

What went so wrong?

Attached: Titanfall-2-Cover.jpg (650x916, 115.41K)

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So very little that the few things that actually went wrong get largely blown out of proportion, either by comparison due to the game just being so fantastic everywhere else, or by your average shitter who's bad at videogames or doesn't play them i.e. 80% of Zig Forums. Those things being a TTK that's a little too high especially on the hitscan weapons (which you can even fix in player match by just playing with 200% health), Gunrunner not being on by default, a few rough edges in titan balance and the grappling hook not being built in/not getting to pick two kits because the grapple is just too good/fun not to use.


needed more care and not locked behind Origin

Came out the exact same time as COD and Battlefield

Advertisement and getting more people interested

Almost nothing, the things that went wrong are fairly minor, like not being able to choose to be a robot for every Pilot ability.

Attached: Titanfall 2 Stim Pilot.png (1280x1191, 901.82K)

UI feels outdated

Modern gamers. Titanfall’s mobility is too much for console cucks

>a few rough edges in titan balance
Tone was OP for over a year
>rough edges

EA fucked up by
>Pushing a beta out as a marketing stunt with lots of problems and a not that great map that tainted interest for the game even though all of the problems were fixed before launch
>Ran a cringetastic marketing campaign via twitter that took shots at CoD and other upcoming shooters that was so cringey Respawn officially distanced themselves from it
>Decided to release the game the same time as CoD and Battlefield
This last one was by far the game's biggest problem for generating sales and lasting interest, not only was taking pot shots at and trying to compete with CoD dumb but having the game come out the exact same time as your long running CoD competitor was over the top stupidity.
>Battlefield 1 October 21st
>Titanfall 2 October 28th
>Infinite Warfare/Cod4 remaster November 4th

Post-launch the biggest problems was Tone being way too powerful and in general a lot of the balance was out of whack but Respawn did jump on these issues and any bugs with several quality of life updates and balance reworks following.

The release date

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the game itself is almost FPS perfection
hopefully a hypothetical Titanfall 3 doesn't meet the same fate

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Homestead, Crashsite and release date

>not mentioning rise or relic
I cannot get good games on those two maps. It's just me praying to get my titan as quick as possible to save me from the suffering.

It's almost like Tribes Ascend but for babies


it's nothing like tribes

It felt like a watered down TF1. Too bad all the casuals never played 1 so they don't know what they're missing.

Grapple is a crutch. True pilots can be fast without silly little ropes. I use
>Stealth kit
I get so many frags its not even funny. I never use my secondary or AT weapon, my epg is somewhere around gen 6 and my sidearm is only level 4

Scorch is best boy. Anyone who says otherwise needs to get good. His crowd control is insane and as long as his movement isn't restricted/blocked he can advance fairly reliably. Also his attacks shred through pilots and titans alike. The only issue is that dropping Legion requires some planning and possibly the first move. Those big bastards just won't go down.

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Mech play (as and against) was complete shit. The matches with only pilots were far superior.

all better than complex and kodai



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Release date, too high a skill floor for a lot of players, poor marketing, Origin.

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>people bitch and disliked the hell out of advance warfare yet it sold better than tf2
>bf1 looked cool but the gunplay was awful and no one was around DLC maps because everyone was a poorfag
How did both games manage to sell better than an actual fun game? Why did EA screw them over by thinking it was even a good idea to release the game when those two were releasing too? How incompetent are they?

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>plinks you from across the map
>flies above your flame core
>dooms you in a blink with dps combos
>snipes you when you eject
Nothin personnel

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Sounds like you got filtered. Titan v titan is incredible, its basically tf2

Unironically normalfags

The hell. How shit are you at this game? If anything it always felt like titans have a bigger disadvantage over pilots since you can circle those bastards easily with how fast you can go and hurt them badly

Battlefield 1 was a better game

Realize you were talking about titan vs titan. But my point still stands

Timing. It was at the wrong place at the wrong time.
I came in late but hey, at least I managed to get 150 hours of it before the playerbase went down to 2000s.

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I think user is saying exactly that. Titans are like wet paper when they should be killing machines.

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Unironically sabotaged by EA.

But you can still kill easily pilots as a titan too though. It just depends how good you are. I've seen a bunch of matches where players never even lost their titan once since they know how to be efficient killing machines

2-3 shot laser accurate hitscan on shitty flat 3 lane choke point maps filled with gay fucking abilities like teamwide wallhacks and hitscan sentries played on 20 tick rate servers with horrible latency, all in a game supposedly about dynamic movement
it's a fucking disaster

Attached: makes sense.webm (1280x720, 985.53K)

That just means matchmaking made you go against noobs. Aside from level 3 Monarch, keeping titans alive against good players is almost impossible.

They are killing machines if you aren't bad at the game.

When is TF3 coming out?