I see people here complain that Mileena is covered from head to toe, did we watch the same trailer?

I see people here complain that Mileena is covered from head to toe, did we watch the same trailer?

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its jsut the same retard crying about how they dont have mk9 costumes

I don't give a fuck about her outfit, wtf is that face? You have her and then 10/10 ideal man rambo lol

bad bait


Not surprising. there is a literal tranny calling the shots at NetherRealm

>archer Rambo
Ruined it.

>QA tester
>Calling the shots

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>what are variations
He'll probably have one where he blasts everyone like a mong.

he has been going on aboiut this for over a year at this point hopeing somebody belaves him

Holy shit she's so fucking ugly jesus christ.

>mixing a facially scanned face with something so obviously not human.
You should've known this would be how it ended up.

Did you have a stroke?

did you thinking some qa guy calls the shots at nrs

>Violence GOOD
>Nude men GOOD
>Good looking women BAD
Yeah, it's an american game alright

try again next time

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But she's right.

Not him, but he isn't.

Hahaha, holy fuck

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I'm right Golem

Mileena used to be hot and dressed like a murderstripper.

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waht am i missing her guys hoiw is she bad?

The hair. It’s this fugly stupid hairstyle that looks like every old Asian lasy

You think Rambo isn't human?

are you retarded?

since when is rain blac? tf

I kinda wanna get into MK, but I don't really wanna start with the newest one. Do people still play MKX?


she's got a fat head



Attached: patreon_rewards___super_strong_babe_mileena_4_by_oad_art_dcxyj2n(1).jpg (4136x3536, 1.66M)

He looks like Bayek (an Egyptian) to me

I don't like Asian Kitana/Mileena. I'm too used to the older versions where they were white and had Kitana with big lips.