Fire Emblem...move over.
Fire Emblem...move over
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Front mission is a great series, but you have to understand. Mecha is not popular. To make the genre work in modern tastes pilots would have to control gigantic waifus.
Front Mission 3 is the worst FM game and the one closest to Fire Emblem so you're not helping your case.
You should have at least posted a picture of FM2 or 5
But i can't marry Emir and have freaky GM super-soldier kids with her in that!
Don't give them ideas
Jesus Christ man, I can understand disliking 3, but implying it's somehow worse than 1 or 4, that's just wrong.
What's the best Front Mission game and does the series need to be played in any specific order?
Got introduced to Online's soundtrack cause of a Sam Hyde video. Is this series dead?
emma or alisa ?
fuck random ejection, shit's worse than FE crits
it's the least front mission game of the series. It's hard to be engaged when the war politics got replaced with naruto tier characters and motivations.
The best is 2; The series needs to be played in order of release. 1 DS -> 2 PS1 -> 3 PS1 -> 4 PS2 -> 5 PS2
All games are connected to each other
Emma. I like her haircut
One has the worst gameplay of the entire series, which is understandable but also a critical factor when grading a series of tactical RPGs. That game barely had any strategy at all.
And I'm sure Four's great story of political intrigue was there, if only I had been able to get past the schizophrenic plot that literally bounces you all over the globe again and again so that you never get comfortable with your current party.
Played the game recently via emulator and Bluetooth gamepad on android.
The combat is overly simple and repetitive.
The 2d art is subpar, especially when compared to titles from the period. The game poses little to no challenge and unfortunately has an alarming number of illogical implementations.
The story is solid I guess.
What actually sold me was the suprising amount of complex side content pertaining to the setting and involved parties.
You should ABSOLUTELY play the game and its definitely one of the most important ps1 titles.
But it has huge flaws which will prevent most players from getting through half of it, let alone the whole thing.
1's gameplay is way better than 3's due to the larger maps+team sizes and lack of any dumb gimmicks. The OCU campaign might be pretty easy but the USN is great.
The hacking minigame was GOD TIER
Front Mission 3 is a pretty mediocre game but elevated thanks to its constantly pissed off protagonist.
I've never played any Front Mission games. Which should I start with?
>the whole continent is under the US controle
Fucking wish.
Get a SNES emulator and download the Front Mission rom.
>1 DS
Emma's route was garbage lmao. It was good with the filler plot but the main plot was so fucking dumb. The ending would've been perfect if they left on a bittersweet note but then they raid the UN and I couldn't stop fucking laughing how retarded that was.
The extra content and USN side is more than worth it playing on the DS.
>incomplete translation have to constantly refer to text file scripts
>no scripts for fmvs because their retard plan was youtube videos with subtitles (links are dead now)
I like the game but playing it and following the story is so fucking annoying at times
If you're gonna emulate. Do the best of both worlds. It's not like DS has any QoL changes.
Snes 1 for the original route. DS for USN after.
imagine actually posting this. front mission 3 shits all over you weeb ass shit games
FM3 is literally the certified weeb game of the series
Bruh. Emma's route ends up with a bunch of teenagers sticking it to the man
Out in 1997, not localized, RTS-like, the soundtrack is techno, story set in Africa, your protag is half Black half Irish, one of your buddies secretly wants your dick and your have a hot Indian medic but is revealed to be an ex-male in later chapter.