I really like this game

I really like this game.

Attached: 362355703-anno-1800.jpg (2400x1350, 262.65K)

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No way, you're just trying to trick me into playing some indie trash with pretty screenshots but shit gameplay

borderlands 2?

based newfags

I really like Dawnstar from Skyrim too.

So yes, it's indy trash.

and a third worlder, too

>Burger gets so blustered he starts calling out his homeland
Weird flex but OK

swing and a miss, newfag
try again?

don't listen to /v, do your own research

The name of the game is in the image title retards

Are you guys retarded? The name is in the filename.

kek walecome newfriend

man what a shit fucking thread

They all end up like this now, move Anno threads to one of the new boards.

looks like boring shit

No shit, already torrenting it

It's not even cracked user.

Its way more building sim than combat. Not my cup of tea

based retard failing at damage control LMAO

Attached: 1591685388061.png (1148x244, 181.79K)

This thread is almost peak Zig Forums, and it's just missing 1 more secret ingredient.

imagine outing yourself as a retard

brap posters?

Oh I thought it was Frostpunk

Looks like the starter village in IWD.

Attached: KEKKUSMAXIMUS.png (594x604, 979.88K)

how long you played for Op?


go back to playing fifa pls, leave this thread for the people who are 16+

I thought this game was about victorian architecture? Is there more than that?

The fuck is wrong with you, dipshit

Attached: 1594718915525.webm (230x276, 151.65K)

why are newfags so retarded?

- t.redditor


Africabros it's time

Attached: Devblog_LoL_2_production_chain.jpg (1920x1080, 965.03K)


Attached: what.png (458x192, 72.87K)

> No shit, already torrenting it

Attached: You.jpg (576x730, 49.4K)

Jesus, just admit you are fucking stupid bro

Attached: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (202x200, 8.5K)

is it worth the money? seems completely overpriced

I've seen it go on sale multiple times this year. I love it, it's a chill game I can get lost in for hours.

If you're balking at ~$60 then it's okay to wait. The game's fantastic, though. Best Anno since Dawn of Discovery.

what's your obsession with Frostpunk, retard?

No you didn't.

Seeth cope dilate fagayt.

that would be nice. 120 for the whole thing :^)

I entered the thread just to laugh at your dumb ass

I want to like this game, but, I don't think $200 is a reasonable price for the game and DLC.