I thought people were joking that this shit was a gta ripoff

I thought people were joking that this shit was a gta ripoff

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>has car
>gta rip off


That literally looks like the sewer in los santos

ngl before I opened the vid I thought it was a gta car mod


Do Europoors really? You might have a river of shit in your hamlet, but in America our sewers are underground. That’s a wash for rain.

so what? isn't night city based on LA?

Americans are fat so they need huge sewers, you aren't fooling me

>game called cyberpunk
>is just some generic sci-fi
how could they fuck it up so bad

it just keep getting worse

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Why are you faggots still surprised some of the architecture is the same as today? The game is literally set 50 years from now

L.A the city of open sewers

It looks like GTA in 2027, not 2077.

you're saying the video is not from gtav with naturalvision evolved installed???

yeah city river canal tend to look the same

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cross gen games almost always end up disappointing no? I mean remember MGSV? It had some good aspects, but overall they really fucked up with the open world

The los angeles aquaducts are a famous and iconic part of the city

that game was a fucking mess and was pieced together after they harambe'd kojima

yea but the gameplay was good

the open world made it so that the gameplay had to be quicker and i prefer the slower from previous games

I like 1 and 3 the most too, but gameplay wise 5 wasn't bad. it's just that everything else was and the open world was extra bad


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No he’s right the game was shitty because of all the concessions they had to make to get it to run on ps360. What, you thought driving for 10 minutes between the struts of mother base was an intentional artistic design choice? The old consoles with 256mb of ram couldn’t load for shit

New York 50 years ago DOES NOT even remotely look the same today

All these fucks had to do was just rename the game to Cyberpunk 2030 and no one would complain. Then they have an excuse to do an actual cyberpunk sequel set in 2077

except half as small

>I thought people were joking that this shit was a gta ripoff
I keep warning people, but nooo "i'm still buying cyberpunk77".
Watch this be a bigger letdown than RDR2.

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>has cars and guns and is set in an open world city in california
any other games like that besides gtav/sa?


another GTA clone (really good one too)


Ugh why does Paris ALWAYS have the Eiffel Tower

so i guess every game with a sword is a rip off of some other game with a sword

that's in mexico

>cars and concrete belong to GTA
based retard


so is cali :)