Any wholesome games with kitsunes?
Any wholesome games with kitsunes?
Majora's Mask
This one was cute
Reminds me of that shogi loli anime with 4 lolis stepping on the back
Has anyone played this?
Not yet, but it looks cute
Super Fox World
Tamamo's tamamos
Sex with the fox.
Very important question that will determine whether you are cool or a fag: which Tamamo?
Foxing Over It
Yoru no Umi
Not him but Cat
Foxes you say?
why are fox girls so good lads? cat girls are cool too
Fox girls have more fluffy tails and ears.
I wish they were real
whats wrong user? dont like cute boys?
also they can have even 9 fluffy tails
I like the foxes in azur lane
I downloaded this and I like the art but sometimes I don't want to read the whole thing just to fap yet I also don't want to fap without context, so I'm just stuck thinking what to do
What's the appeal of fox girls exactly? I just don't get it.
>lots of hair that you will have to help them clean all the time. Your shampoo and conditioner budget is going to quadruple. And I hope you like sitting around for an hour helping her brush her tail and ears
>Speaking of ears, they have very sensitive hearing and their ears in general are delicate. You'll have her complaining that your headphones are too loud from halfway across the house. You'll also have to occasionally help her clean out her ears like you do with a dog or a cat
>They don't age the same way humans do, so as you get older and older she'll look the same. She will go from looking the same age as you to being your daughter and then your granddaughter. Expect some strange looks when you take her out on a 50th anniversary dinner date
>In general most people will assume she's cosplaying or something. You'll probably find it easier to just hide her tail and ears, meaning it's just going to be dresses and hats for her wardrobe. Boring!
>She can out drink you and will likely challenge you to drinking contests just to laugh at you. Sure she'll take care of your drunk ass but how emasculating would it be to lose a drinking contest to a girl?
>Hope you like fried tofu
Anyway, the list goes on. Can someone explain the appeal of this to me? I just don't get it.
Any games where I can IMPREGNATE kitsunes?
read the whole thing fag
do it for the foxboys
Story of Seaons
Corruption of Champions 2
she even gets thicker the more kids she has with you
imagine skinning senko alive while she screams in agony and begs for mercy but you just go "no" and with an evil grin you continue to flay her skin and then you rip off her stupid little limbs one by one as she hangs on for life but only just barely and in extreme agony
I'm pretty sure Disgaea has a kitsune unit but I'm still only on the first one.