Is this the worst eceleb ever? Makes a 4 hour BOTW review and it's basically an instruction manual with zero insight into an opinion on the game. Picks up Fire Emblem and says it's too hard and knocks down points because of that. Shills for Pokemon. Says Paper Mario Origami King is a masterpiece because evil incels hate it and love TYD.

Plus all the selfdetatched irony whilst hiding behind a puppet.

It's just ridiculous at this point.

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Is that what he really looks like?




He's bought and paid for and shills every single first party title Nintendo puts out. Yet he shit all over The Witcher 3 because "It's so incredibly overwhelming".

He frequently mentions his disappointment with TOK you fool. In any event, is this what he looks like?

I always thought he would be fatter; like jim sterling fat.

He put out a video mere days ago smugly declaring that he was blocking everyone who tells him that TOK is an inferior game compared to TYD. He's banned hundreds on twitter and his YT comment section.

TheBitBlock is based, handsome and not a shill. Best Nintendo YouTuber.

>He frequently mentions his disappointment with TOK
While still telling you to give it a chance and buy it

so he fooled himself into thinking that game is actually good?

I think you missed the part of that same video where he makes an analogy to splatoon, saying TOK is like splatoon except you only have the splattershot, the multiplayer sucks, no story, etc. I can get a time stamp video link if you want.

This is the thing that gets me the most. The game is objectively not what I want on any level, except maybe the soundtrack, and yet I'm just supposed to throw 60 bucks at it because someone says it was maybe kinda good possibly please don't stop giving me review copies Nintendo?

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nu nintendo shills in a nutshell

Has he even reviewed the game yet or is he waiting until Nintendo won't care if he trashes the game as to keep getting free review copies?

He's gay and a shoefag.

I thought Nintendo booted him off the ambassador program.

He gets sent free review copies all the tike and that influences his opinion as a reviewer.

Figured as much. To think he only got as big as he did from shitting on nu Paper Mario and now he is walking on eggshells as not to offend Nintendo.

>Makes a 4 hour BOTW review and it's basically an instruction manual with zero insight into an opinion on the game.
This shit pisses me off so much. Someone on this shithole said Nostalgia Critic was a good reviewer so I took the plunge and watched a random video (Stuart Little 2). 95% plot summary littered with shit jokes and ended with "eh it's OK I guess". You can't get away with this shit in High School English, so I don't get how people are making "careers" out of it.

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Why would you watch such an obvious nintendo shill?

Honestly why do most of these super into Nintendo guys seem bad at anything that isn't the most basic of vidya? GameXplain exhibits this quality strongly as well. Plus that generic looking white dude, you know the one.

He doesn't shill for Pokemon.
He's made several videos about how shit Sword and Shield are.

>Shills for Pokemon. Says Paper Mario Origami King is a masterpiece because evil incels hate it and love TYD.
Post proof. Pro-tip: you can't.

his whole schtick with the puppet gives me creepy pedo vibes

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I think Arlo only made it big was due to the puppet gimmick.

But he really should have made a puppet that DIDN'T look like a knockoff Cookie Monster.

>only gets big because of shitting on nu-PM and celebrating the older titles and calling for a return to form
>switches teams when the chips are down and he's well paid for
I could see it coming too, as TOK approached his whole "cautiously optimistic" think was wearing me thin, and his initial impressions video was way too tame coming from what he had built himself up as. Then more time goes by and he bends over completely, how annoying.

Plot summary is the bane of reviews and critique of literally everything

But then still told you all to buy it and spend 30 bucks on the expansion pass.

>Someone on this shithole said Nostalgia Critic was a good reviewer
I think you either got baited or were talking to a literal autist

>You can't get away with this shit in High School English, so I don't get how people are making "careers" out of it.
If you want the truth it's because they're not supposed to be analyses, they're meant to be a way to summarize the whole "experience" of consooming a particular product in the safest way possible so the people watching these videos can feel they too have played/watched/read whatever the fuck that particular video was about vicariously and bring it into conversation within their circles so they don't feel left behind in the consoomption machine and can spout a safe, basic bitch opinion on it fed to them by another person in order to feel like smart analysts as well.
I worded that terribly, but that's essentially it. It's a way for people to consoom product without actually having to engage with media in any capacity, much less depth. That's why they're so popular.

He's only not a shill because he was obnoxious to Nintendo and broke his contracts. He also never finishes anything and thinks he's way more creative than he is. If he spent half the time putting effort into videos as he did complaining about liberals maybe he would actually get views. I guarantee that 90% of his shitty arts and crafts videos won't get more than 15k.

Could've sworn it was Grover without the nose

Is OP secretly an Arlo shill? They're making shit up that's easily debunked by watching Arlo's videos, or reading his Twitter. Like, what's even the point of this thread, to just roleplay about things Arlo didn't do?