What game is just "Alright"?

What game is just "Alright"?

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Halo 3.
Very overrated.

son of a simp



Every Mega Man Classic after 3
Rayman 2
Kirby Mass Attack
Wario World
Jak 3
Crash Bash
Persona 2
Dino Crisis
Bomberman R
Donkey Kong 64
Banjo Grunty Revenge
Simpsons Hit and Run
Castlevania Circle of Moon
Metroid Prime 3
Luigi's Mansion 2
Mario 64 DS
Mario Kart Advance
Yoshi Island DS

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Persona 5.

It was my most anticipated game of all time, but it ended up being just fine. Considering the high expectations, it's by far the most disappointing game I have ever played and likely ever will. I can't think of anything worse than going from a masterpiece like P4G to one of the worst written stories I've experienced in P5.

atelier riza

Sekiro, it's really nothing too special

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>simpsons hit and run
I'll kill you

Decent list. Please remove
>Wario World
Thanks for your time.

kirby epic yarn

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Tetris 99

Final Fantasy XV on release comes real close

Xenoblade Chronicles. The sequel is actually better.

>Simpsons Hit and Run
please don’t post on this website

what's goin on big guy?

Never before have I played a game and felt so neutral about it. I finished it and my exact thoughts were “well alright”

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Wario World is shit, only 8 levels and recycled enemies. Only good thing is the soundtrack and charm.

You could tell it shows the first game a thing or three, I like your attitude


The mafia remake

The devs kind of hindered themselves by leaving the ending so open-ended. Still enjoyed it though, some neat concepts in there and combat was fun enough.


Their entire studio pretty much releases alright games like alan wake and quantum break, great concepts but just alright in general

Half Life 2

Megaman 10 comes to mind.

I played through it and I can't remember anything amazing about it, but I also can't think of anything the game did horribly either. Probably the worst fate for a game because I'm probably gonna forget that it even exists in a few years.

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I Am Setsuna is the most mediocre game I've ever played.

I think it’s ok for a game to be short. Doesn’t make it bad. The reused enemies thing is definitely valid. I think the platforming challenges and exploration more than make up for it however. Really plays like a 3D Wario Land.

It was a tech demo, yet it was so successful for some reason, to this day I still don't understand why hackers were constantly trying to leak half life 2 at the time

Banjo Kazooie, never understood the big hype around this game or the series, they are just alright

Dark Souls. It's okay, but I don't see why people make such a big deal over it.

story is super mediocre unless it's royal, in which case it has its moments where it actually becomes good for once
gameplay though? i don't think a jrpg has ever felt as slick as this
and the visuals and soundtrack are all incredible across the board
imo 8/10 game

t. zoomer

A Night in the Woods

As you weren't born yet you wouldn't understand the hype that was generated by a Half-Life sequel. Doesn't matter what the final product was like, it was about continuing the story.

Chrono Trigger, very, very overrated

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Druidstone: The Secrets of Menhir Forest
I -liked- it, but I know it's just an alright game. Liked it so much I basically did a Hard playthrough right after my Normal one, too.

I don't blame user for thinking that, the game is misleadingly difficult, made me hate timed missions for life

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Honestly, almost all JRPGs are just "alright". I can't think of a single one that was really good in general when compared to non-rpg games. RPGs are garbage overall.

did you even play as bass?