>Reddit Impact
Reddit Impact
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So is every game that has a subreddit a Reddit game?
wonder how many of these are bots
Based. All games are reddit.
at least chunks don't add sjw tranny to their game
So that means your favorite game is a Reddit game, right?
give me a list of games that don't have a subreddit so that I too may avoid being reddit
it doesn't have a subreddit
Every game has a subreddit, even Zig Forums has a subreddit.
That means we're in reddit.
What is it?
>Every game has a subreddit
not true
literal reddit website
>r/yosuga_no_sora doesn't exist
phew, safe!
No shit
still playing, still posting about, you're still seething
Did you guys know that moot was a redditor?
what game doesn't have a subreddit, user?
I'll always find it funny how even Zig Forums has a subreddit.
Reddit is owned by China, so what do you expect?
>never touched Overwatch
>never touched Fortnite
>never touched PUBG
And I sure as hell won't touch Genshin Impact.
You're not missing out on anything by not playing them.
>$300 for a guaranteed 5 star item/character
>can take up to 2 years to get a squad of 5* character as a F2P
Black Souls
>never touched
>"You're not missing out"
And how would you know that if you never even played the game retard?
Stop shilling your shit game
>tasteless impagt
I-It's free user..... A good amount of people have been playing through the game without microtransactions...
didn't ask
not him but
>asks what game
>gets answered
>"S-stop shilling your game!"
absolute retard
cringe nugaymer
fuck off Chang chinkshit simpact is for faggots
Because I never touched it in the first place.
Can't miss something when you never touched it in the first place. Must be hard for your fried brain to grasp this but some people just aren't interested in the same shit everyone else is, so they're not gonna touch the game. They can't miss out on anything if they're not interested in that particular thing in the first place.
Too bad they censor other dumb shit like skeletons and taiwan
>even Zig Forums has a subreddit.
>That means we're in reddit.
Don't touch your pp dude.
iirc hotwheels also did once an ama to shill his site when he was admin.
Name a single popular game that DOESN'T have a subreddit.
I touched your mom's. She loved it so much she had to go stick in your dad's mouth to conceive you.
I am never missing out because I'm not a zoomer who constantly misses out lmao
only way someone can "miss out" on games is if you were this much of a loser that you entire life revolves around video games. like jesus christ, do you not have a job or other hobbies to occupy your time with aside from this?
Bane the game