Why is Zig Forums so hypocritical?
ha ha you are both autistic furfags who have no taste in both RPGs or shmups. Sup Toby, you deserve your shit fanbase
I don't see the hypocrisy. Good things are good, bad things are bad.
Spider dance was a good song
They are both not memorable except for spider's theme.
one is a cute spider
other is some retard oc from a furfag backer
I want nothing more than a girl to tie me up and fist my butt.
not hypocritical at all you mongo
>The creator of So Sorry is unironically still seething to this day
>tied up, pegged and milked by a slender femdom spider
>gross fat thing and whatever inflation fags get off on
damn I wonder why people don't like one of them
>cute thing people like is good
>ugly furfag thing no one likes is bad
Here's your (you).
Is that simple
Nobody likes fat people
You say this, but there isn't nearly enough Femdom Muffet smut
Because femdom is based and homofurshit is cringe
Is it that time of the day again Zig Forums?
Post good backer characters in vidya. NPCs or Bosses integrated so seamlessly into the game that it never even occurred to you that it was made by a fan.
the fat furry guy unironically did nothing wrong
they are both cringe tranny shit
What was even the point of the character
Like, it's just a dragon that says it's sorry?
What kind of fucked up fetish is that?
people have an innate instinct to sniff out peoples fursonas and it naturally disgusts them
I am still fucking astounded that Shovel Knight has some of the best backer shit but also some of the worst backer shit I've ever had the displeasure of witnessing.
All the Hollow Knight backer designs turned out amazing, the team even managed to turn "Burlap" into a fun and memorable character.
What bad backer things did Shovel Knight have?
lmao imagine making players fight a boss made by a kid who died from cancer
why are these aussies such fucking cunts?
that's actually adorable
Toby had to modify him, HEAVILY. Actually, Toby WANTED to just refund him because he was being a dick and refusing to put in a character that would actually fit in with the world, and insisted on his fucking fetish OC. The original also involved weight gain and, it wouldn't be autistic enough without it, diapers.
So yeah, that's why he's jammed in the most obscure corner of the game where no one will ever find him unless they wiki dive or look at the code.
The Spider is Cute, wouldn't make that great a dom - but a very good wife and mother.
That Dragon has the aura of HRT and is not cute at all
Gee, go fuck yourself
Gets it
Zubaz, Reize, the samurai, and I think Hatman were backer adds.
You don't know about the legendary OC donut steel spanning across different game worlds?
I hate fats
I hate furries
I hate scalies
I hate diaperfags
I hate stupid fat fucking diaperfag furry fuckers
fursonas and ego injection are lame as fuck
this guy deserves to get called a dweeb and have his face dunked in the toilet
Muffet has a better design.
Boomerang kid was kinda dumb **I like what they did with him in Specter of Torment.**
Hat guy and the electric spear knight were neat. The big guy was okay.
LISA had a handful that managed to fit the theme and overall tone very well. I didn't know **Satan** was a backer character until later.
>made by a kid who died from cancer
ones hot the others gay what mental gymnastics are keeping you from understanding this
Zubaz was literally the only good thing to come out of Fighterpedia.
oh no,the character is not the one appologizing, Toby is the one asking forgiveness for having to add the inflation dragon to the game
>be kid
>play Hollow Knight
>love the shit out of it
>one of your dreams was to meet its developers
>get the chance to meet Team Cherry
>they're cool dudes
>you get the opportunity to get put into the game
>not just an NPC
>but as an actual boss too
>loving every minute of it
>they even send you how it looks and plays
>then you return to reality and realize that you have cancer
>then you die a few months later without ever getting to play the game
One isn't fucking gross
1 fits in the other is literally embarassing if you know the context