Looking back, was it really THAT bad?

Looking back, was it really THAT bad?

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It's even worse then I remember.

It's not so bad.

I could forgive a lot if they had left out the microtransactions and the levels designed around coop. Also a lot of repeating areas.

Loved the first two and they could've kept this franchise going for 15 games RE style. Instead they lost a load of money and we lost a great franchise.

They shut down visceral too
Which pisses me off that we’ll never get a sequel to Dante’s Inferno

It was mediocre, Which is an utter sacrilege to the dead space franchise especially after the master piece DS2 was.


Was alright, obviously the weakest of the 3 games. I think the story was ok, but he worst things about the game were the cover system and combat roll added for no reason other than the handful of human enemies you fight (which was a fucking mistake, should have been kept necro only), the weapon crafting system which was totally broken and made the game way too easy, having co-op in a game that should be single player, and locking the ending behind paid dlc. The game was killed by EA's greed and push to have trendy elements shoehorned into the game

pc version is still jank, those kenesis doors spaz out and play the audio cue over and over all the time and the snow beast fight still breaks 50% of the time when trying to use the harpoons on m+kb. if those two things got fixed it would be great

I've been a fan of DS since day 1. Read all the comics, watched the animated films, even read the books. It took a while before I actually played this one but when I did, I went in with an open mind and was surprised to find that it wasn't nearly as bad as everyone kept saying. Isaac's personal story is stupid but that's not even the main focus of the game. There's so much lore to dig up and a lot more stuff to explore along the way. It's clear that the devs put in a lot of effort and care IMO. The game can get repetetive because it's very long but the other games can get repetetive in the same manner. that much is inherent to the franchise's design.
People will complain about action, or about human enemies, but that's honestly a much smaller fraction of the game than Jewtubers would have you believe. The gameplay feels no different than the other two entries. The people who shat on this game so much were likely not even really fans of the franchise to begin with, and were just expecting a repeat of the first. If they made another game just like the first one then people would have complained about that as well. It's a niche type of game but it didn't deserve all the hate it got.

whats Zig Forums opinion on the animated films?


This is a strategy I don't understand, same with mass effect 3. Not only do they push the game out early and write the universe into a corner, they then kill the studio too. People would buy cheaply made dead space games, they could easily turn a profit.

devs removing all the "i'm going insane" moments and stuffing them onto the coop character for 4-5 side areas and a dlc in a 20ish hour game was lame as was the weapon crafting and zombie enemies replacing slashers. the guns from 1 and 2 had roles, 3 was just piling on damage and clip chips and it never seemed to matter which gun was used on any enemy besides a very small amount that were specialized. i really did like the background of TV and the colony there, the opening ship sections were great too. alien city was solid. the game had some great moments but also a lot of padding and the bad guy danik was so weird, felt like story was missing about him or it was in other media i didn't read or watch

I enjoyed them when they came out. I consumed all media for Dead Space because I thought that a brand new AAA horror IP was cool but one that looked interesting was even better.

they are pretty enjoyable imo, kinda low budget but they deff didn't hold back on the gore and stuff. at the very least it was worth watching them as a dead space fan. books were cool too.

1st one is cool, 2nd one is crap

Sir, your KINO

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if u want an action co-op game, then yes
if u want horror, then for god sake, no

Does dead space 1 run well on windows 7? its on sale on steam

It was just a boring, half-realized mess. The new necromorphs would be fantastic in any other horror game, especially the ones that burrow through the snow, but they sucked for Dead Space's limb-based mechanics. The intrigue of piecing together what happened on the "Homeworld of the Marker" takes a backseat for 90% of the game to a bullshit story about high school romance and Norton not wanting to get cucked. Building weapons is fucked heavily by a slow inflow of parts, tungsten, and the fact that you can build a combo rocket launcher/contact beam halfway through the game. The side missions would be perfect to finally expand on the non-linear possibilities teased in Dead Space 1 and abandoned in Dead Space 2, but they trickle in so slowly and there's no reason to use the skip to revisit areas. The only thing that they added that was wholly good was the roll, because that was a bit more of a consistent and dynamic way to back off from a necromorph than trying to bap them in the face and run away.

It's not terrible, but you look at anything about the game with thinking "man they should've had a few more months to make this actually cool," and that just cuts harder because of why they didn't have that time or did what they want. It's a lot like Metal Gear Survive: that game wasn't terrible and had some good ideas, but what parts about it that do feel like a cash grab cut way deeper because it's tied 1:1 to Kojima leaving, just like Visceral being eventually shut down.

runs fine if you install the mouse fix but you might have to enable vsync to get around possible game breaking bugs like doors getting stuck

what about 2?

You migth need the fix for the aiming problem, otherwise it runs perfectly

>Ham-handedly implemented co-op in the kind of game that shouldn't have it
>Universal Ammo
>Fucked up all the guns and all the enemies to compensate for it
>Game opens with Isaac grabbing his machinegun and dodging grenades
>This isn't even getting into where the story goes

It was awful.

2 is fine

It was a good Co-op game but a bad Dead Space game.

its the dark souls 2 of dead space games

That one motion comic had superb voice acting. It's pretty great.

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>The gameplay feels no different than the other two entries.
As if your first paragraph wasn’t enough proof you’re a delusional fanboy, you try this gem.

it was not a bad game.
but it was an awful dead space game.

Honestly yes, and I was hoping that it was not. Absolute chore to play, have been putting off finishing it for weeks now.

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