Why do indie devs keep doing this?

Why do indie devs keep doing this?

Attached: indie_devs.gif (1651x890, 410.37K)

the west has no talent

Do Indians take offense at shit games being named after them?

>Using the worst version of Athena

OP keeps being a fag

Attached: athena-nw.jpg (900x850, 100.98K)

hehehe cheeky bugger made me giggle

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soul soulless

because right is possibly one of the most expensive and time consuming solutions for graphics and indie devs dont have a budget (hence why they are called indie devs)

because actually good low res art takes a lot of skill and effort

For me, it's '97

Attached: Athena_97.png (848x1287, 1.2M)

why do zoomers complain about "pixelshit" but jack off to minecraft porn?

Game on the left: garbage
Game on the right: garbage

2002 was by far the best, and also the most complete kof game.

muh cherrypick

because most minecraft porn hardly resembles the game

>actual artists

Attached: Athena_game_flyer.png (222x320, 23.19K)

in the defense of indie devs the one on the left has bigger thighs than the one on the right

left = SOVL
right = soulless

left isn't actually real, is it?

They forget those are supposed to be placeholders.

Attached: reimuexstand1.gif (256x256, 59.85K)

>2001 Athena
What were they thinking?

Attached: dsGdug1yK87V1UK9YnFNB1-MO94_IC58UvZGMJ0iHcA.png (1173x1923, 1.46M)

you could just say
>what were they thinking?

Actual answer is good pixel art is EXPENSIVE and small indie studios have to deal with bigger pixels to save on art budget


Attached: file.png (640x480, 575.92K)

I'm tired of amerimutts claiming they are the west. They can't even have white cities.

objectively wrong

Europe also doesn't have white cities either.

Because the right took a highly skilled artist 4 days at minimum, and the left took an alright artist 4 hours at the absolute most.
Time is money, especially when you have to pay your artists.

9/11 was tough on everyone man

no country is white anymore, you lost

13 is the best since it’s a call back to Psycho Solider and not cringe idolshit like the others.

because indie devs don't know how to draw and haven't seen a single pixel art game since they played SNES in their early childhood. People say it's much harder and time consuming to make better graphics than what's on the left but that isn't true. You can make good and efficient pixel art by studying games from the nes-ps1 era.

>japanese artists

Attached: 1574563724977.png (860x485, 725.11K)

Haha, yeah, imagine ever liking a woman with the proportions on the left...

Was Athena actually any good in the games? I just remember her Psycho Sword had terrible horizontal range but she was great at cheaping out Omega Rugal in '98.



When I was a kid I thought the future of pixel art is that in-game graphics would eventually look like this but instead we got indie shit.

Attached: moonshen.gif (800x750, 1.45M)


What's the left from?

>TFW I'm living in Luxembourg
You guys need to acquire a proper map.

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Based and C*nnypilled

Because those pixel "artists" wouldn't be doing underpaid work for indie devs if they were actual artists

>Europe = Germany and France
Do Americans really...?

You do need actual talent for this, something indie devs severely lack

>three national language's

Are... are you the Euromutt nation?

Cunny,also how old was she?

The game on the left is probably made by one guy in his mom's basement
The game on the right was made by a company with many people and a decent budget
a 3d game with pixel art?

Attached: nyancat.gif (272x168, 27.23K)

I loved that game/movie

You made this thread already and you got absolutely fucking destroyed last time too.

Yes, they do. Even Estonia is far whiter than America will ever be.

because they are indie and don't have the money


That would be the dutch wouldn't it? The low countries are just a weird hodge podge of the bigger countries around them.

cope more indietranny

Link it

name one good indie game with faceless pixel art

It also isn't really feasible to make a game with these types of visuals. Just one frame alone could take hundreds of hours of pixeling. Imagine the intense work you'd have to put in for one second of animation.
That's why games with pixelart usually uses such low resolutions and stylized designs. Especially indie games.
But, who knows? Maybe with AI technology, we can ''demaster'' high fidelity graphics and get something similar to that in the future.

I don't like indie games, you tranny obsessed freak.

yeah, she has good anti-air and zoning skills.

>everyone i disagree with is a tranny
Why does op always have to be a faggot?

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Using KoF sprites for comparisons is just plain unfair for anyone, man. Not to say the left is stunning, my cousin makes better sprite cycles than that at 13.

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money you ugly retard

At least I do speak proper languages. You can't even speak English, all you have is nigger English and some weird mixture between mexican and mud people.

she doesn't tell you

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dilate freaks

You're fucking retarded.
Like actually.

To add to my point, KoF XIII credits:
> 3 art directors
> A character/motion designer
> 10 character artists
> 30+ non-character artists
There were 14 people working on characters for this game, and over 30 artist working on other aspects. Imagine paying 44 people's wages over the course of a development cycle, and it's not surprising that most indie games don't look like this.

tbf all pixel art looks like trash when not displayed on a crt. Your image looks pretty good but it was drawn to be displayed on an lcd.
They put DKC on the switch snes library and I tried playing it, but it looks so bad on an lcd I just couldn't.

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how to into art like the right

I bet her butt smells like baby powder.

Because they're hobbyists with low budgets and low industry experience? Hello? Do you know what "indie" means? You there retard?

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Most of them don't even do that. You're just an asshole who cherrypicks everything.

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>niggress with side shave purple hair
of course there's 0 talent there

valve is an indie dev
ID was an indie dev all the way up till 2009

It's only unfair because 99% of people don't actually understand art or animation, so they naturally gravitate towards what had the most amount of money thrown at it

2002 until 11 was the best era, the NESTS appearances are a fucking mess and I hate this moe blob she turned in 12

He's a retard and he made this thread before.
He neglects to mention that the art on the right nearly bankrupted the company because of how fucking expensive it is to produce

Athena and Jam are some of the most annoying fightan characters ever.
>*loud broken japanese phrase*

I get a headache after fighting them.

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bad excuse
don't you have passion? ofc not because you only want quick bux

This thread format is being spammed for a while now. Don't get baited into the flamewars, there is no argument to be had here.

Is that thing on the left from a real game?

Underageb&s will still claim CRT filters and scanlines is a big meme though.

Because the West. Japan even unironically makes better Western princesses than the West.

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