He plays translated games

>he plays translated games
EOPs are fucking pathetic

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I wish. Everything is just localized nowadays

>he posts on translated futaba channel

I only play games translated and with english dubs. I refuse to learn another language. If other countries want to be treated as equals they needs to adjust to my standards.

Damn, I never realized how hot Dekinai-chan until I saw that pic
Will she like me if I learn the japanese?


Based. They should just get rid of other languages already. The fact that "people" are allowed to not speak English in the 21st century is just appalling at this point.

>Dragon Quest
>Ryƫ ga Gotoku
What other series localizations aren't just bad, but make the games literally unplayable?

>Will she like me if I learn the japanese?

yeah, but...

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>tfe missed past few days of anki and now I have 160 cards
Anki has been feeling straight useless lately though. I'm not even doing new cards, I just do straight review the past month and it was just in one ear and out the other with many cards.
I guess maybe I should switch to reading or something

What am I supposed to do then? Every time I look in this thread there's people posting 50 different methods to learn Jap and 50 more people calling every one of those methods shit.

English is king and no one outside Japan other than sad weebs cares about the Japanese language.

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>implying I can't

I mean, I've started learning 10 years ago and so far I've only memorized like half of the hiraganas, but I swear I'll start practicing seriously again. Just you wait

It's not my fault nips use a million different Kanji when I only know a few hundred at most.


Translation is a part of localization, it's not a choice between one or the other.

>EOP means Person Who Doesn't Speak Japanese

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>I guess maybe I should switch to reading or something

Definitely do it if anki feels useless. I personally think flash cards are the single most boring way to learn and could not bring myself to continue it. Reading gives you something enjoy and things you need to learn the most repeat "naturally".

I...don't get this. GF is a malaysian national studying abroad and has english as first language but malaysia has malay/multi-chinese/english as first language overall. How does malaysia and canada have the same language when like a 5th of canada is native french speaking?

Stopped reading right there. Go back

I've been here longer than you've been alive, underage b&

Don't reply to me, normalfaggot. Go back

Why does she have bird poop on her face?

You're retarded

wait, dekinai-chan isn't pure?


This is your brain on anime

This. Fucking Japs thinking America is the best place on Earth then have the gall to not even learn OUR language. The world should just speak American like God intended.

>10 years
>memorized like half of the hiraganas

I sometimes play untranslated porn games even though I have no idea what's being written - and I even finish them because most are so simple and linear.. but occasionally you get that faggot rpgmaker game that has some hyper complex quests or combat and I somehow bruteforce win bosses that were intended to be fought with some gimmick.
Sucks to have to drop shit when I absolutely can't progress without understanding the language though

holy fuck

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Man, fuck you.
Translators of books don't call it localization. That word is pure video game companies trying argue why anime tits are not american. Of course you can't 1:1 translate jap to burger, but the amount of changes because of penis-skin thin sensibilities, alterations of age, insertions of puns, and effing memes... In the case of video games, localization is just newspeak for "things we don't like"

Engulfed on pain?

>he thinks Japanse porn writing is anything but garbage

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You know what they mean. Localization shouldn't incorporate changes to dialogue or story because some higher up wants to incorporate their ideologies or to pander to some fringe groups.

The absolute state


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That's not what localization is though.

Liberal translations are better than the sterile prose the Japanese shit out
t. fluent in jp

>EOPs trolling EOPs

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Can we just have liberal translations that don't change, say, a joke that makes fun of fags, into a joke that doesn't make fun of fags? If the Japanese fag made a joke at the expense of homos, then keep it like that.

Actual loading screen in the app btw

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Localizing isn't the same as translating. Translating means faithfully writing the Japanese lines but in english. Localizing is modifying the original material because you think you know better than the original author. Changing the characters' names, personalities, the Japanese references, the currency, the lines you don't like because they don't fit your political agenda, making a character say a whole original line when they're just saying "yes", outright changing plot points, etc.
Translating > shit > localizing
Yeah. But localization shouldn't be a part of translation

i speak English, French and Spanish. weebs are the only retarded subhumans, congratulations learning a language that will be dead within 100 years.


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>Can we just have liberal translations that don't change, say, a joke that makes fun of fags, into a joke that doesn't make fun of fags?
Name even one translation where this happens.

You sound pretty butthurt about not being able to learn an actually difficult language.


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