Devil May Cry

I just finished Devil May Cry V (first time playing it) and I don't know if it's the post-game excitement or not, but this is the best action game I've ever played. It is so stylish, so precise, boss fights make you feel like a fucking angel of destruction. Nero vs Vergil is the most memorable boss fight I've played through in years. Are the other DMC games this good? I'm installing DMC4 on PC as we speak.

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Better than Dante's Inferno?

yes, other than 2. but play 2 anyway, it's short

welcome home to one of the best video games series out there. they're all good except dmc2 and DmC.

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Eh even DmC has some redeeming qualities.
The gameplay is alright but everything else about it is agony

this is pretty much the lamest dmc game other than the DMC reboot one

rarely you'll find such a linear level design where you walk a few feet until the next open space indicates the next enemy encounter. rinse and repeat for 10h

dmc3SE is easily the best in the series and should be the foundation for every new dmc

>reddit spacing after every sentence
>retarded shit
Like clockwork


>rarely you'll find such a linear level design where you walk a few feet until the next open space indicates the next enemy encounter. rinse and repeat for 10h
So like mission 3 from dmc 3? Or rhe rest of rhe fame? Or 1? Or 4?

You're going to have a rough time probably going back to 1 but I still urge you to do so at it is still a fantastic game, just in different ways than the later games. For 2, give it like half an hour of your time if you get the HD collection for 1 and 3, just so you can see what the big deal is. You absolutely have to play 3, don't even need to go into why, just play it. 4 is good but incredibly flawed. Everything outside of the combat is kind of dire, especially in the second half, and for the average player the characters are going to feel weirdly incomplete going back to it from 5 because of the changes they got in that game (although from what I've seen really good players prefer things about 4 like air momentum but I can't comment on this too much).

5/10 gameplay isn't worth playing through when everything else is painful to cringe inducing.


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replaying dmc3 is painfully boring. I know exactly where to go so most of the game is spent jogging through an empty tower. it might be good on the first playthrough but not on repeats.

DMC5 shits all over 3, people who suck off 3 constantly haven’t played it recently cause 70% of that enemy roster is just terrible to fight

Make sure you’re playing DMC4SE and not the vanilla version, also try out Bayonetta since I personally think Bayo is way more stylish than DMC


im too brainlet for dmc...

though im not saying i hate the game, but the only real parts im excited for are the encounters and boss fights. i dont find it fun to grab a random object, jump down the temen ni gru and reenter a room i already saw to put the random object in a hole to get another one.

Yeah I guess
Bloody Palace is kinda fun though

3 to 5 are all stylish combo games. The first game is more about timing your attacks rather than treating enemies as combo punching bags but a good game if you can get used to the camera.
2 is just terrible overall and not worth your time.
I kinda enjoyed the DmC reboot as a spinoff. Most people hate it but i think it has the best level design. 0 backtracking too besides the mansion. Story is shit though.

DMC3? Yeah, probably. 1 or 4? Hard to say.
Also why are you playing in the release order backwards?

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Okay I'm working my way through the series so I can play V, I'm on DmC DMC DE now. Should I do hardcore mode? I heard this one is baby mode easy compared to the others

>Also why are you playing in the release order backwards?
Should I start from the beginning instead? I chose DMC4 because it looks the most like DMCV, with Nero, Dante, and Vergil all in the spotlight.

just play the hardest. the game is not challenging at all.

>I just finished Devil May Cry V (first time playing it) and I don't know if it's the post-game excitement or not,
yes it is. More you play it the more you realize how unfun it is cause enemies do not fight back

>Nero vs Vergil

yes. you wont appreciate the story bits unless you play them. Vergil returning, nero getting a dt and dante returning to the sparda manor hits differently when you know the story.

DMC's gameplay pretty much evolves from 1 through 5. Of course, it's the same with the story(in terms of plotline). There are some glitch mechanics removed from 4 to 5, but it's mostly an evolution.

V is the best
4 is good but disappointing waste of potential
3 is really good but dated

Glad you enjoyed it, user.
DMC4 was my intro to the series and it's pretty good, yeah.
Nero's charged shot and buster arm are pretty OP in 4.

DMC1->DMC3->DMC4->DMC5 is a progression where each game feels less clunky and more "destrucion god"-ish than the last, but they're all great games.
DMC4 probably has the weakest campaign of that lineup due to development difficulties, but the core gameplay is still rock-solid.

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Play the other DMC titles like the others have said, also play Bayonetta and pic related. It's delisted so feel free to pirate it as no one can profit off it anymore.

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DMC has a very turbulent development history, so the quality of the games varies wildly in different ways.
The most solid entry along with 5.
Still good, but old and started as RE4.
The continuation of DMC3 in terms of gameplay, affected severely by development issues and so it's underpolished and underwritten.
>DmC: Devil May Cry
The opposite of DMC4 in the sense that they tried to change things for the sake of it and the story was rewritten multiple times, leading to one of the worst written stories in videogames.
A game that should've never been, the director of DMC3-5 had to rescue it in half a year.

That being said, knowing what to expect will let you enjoy DMC1, 3 and 4, it's recommended that you do.

Also replay 5 in the harder difficulties.

I'm in the same boat as OP. I finished 5 a bunch of times even the hardest difficulties. Recently started the first DMC game on normal and im getting absolutely destroyed. Is the first game supposed to be this hard?

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