What did gamefreak mean by this?

Attached: Lopunny.png (340x314, 61.9K)

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you know.

It's a rabbit monster, they wanted to emphasize that it kicks and jumps a lot so they gave it long legs. The Cinderace and Tsareena follow the same idea hence why they also have long legs

forgot to add Blaziken to the list of kickers

that she's a pokemon that hugs human guys

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No, you were thinking sex because you're immature

Sauce me, bro

looks like he fucks human boys

I wonder if were just so perverted in mind that we can't fathom that someone could make something like that without such sexual intentions. Reminds me when the artist behind the Vipers in X-com was surprised to learn that there's a audience for them.

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what the FUCK were they thinking

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A magic knight, that's why its japanese name is Sirknight.

>straight pokeporn
gay and cringe

imagine being outside and this thing came to attack you

oh god

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do not have sex with your pokemon!

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how much of a degenerate do you have to be to be sexually attracted to pokemon lmao

>our fanbase is mostly manchild furry pedophiles, why not cash in on it?

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there are pokeporns even before internet

Is it still bad if the Pokemon makes advances on me first?

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I think it would be pretty funny to pick up a lopunny by the legs or ears and see how far you could throw it

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Made exclusively for human men

Mating call

>being a jewish racemixer

But it's in the series lore people have married the more sentient pokemon.

Do not!

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I don't know.

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If Pokemon were real you wouldn't fuck them because they'd basically be animals and you wouldn't fuck a real animal unless you're fucked in the head

Literally asking for your human seed


God in their universe is a pokemon. If anything fucking you would be the deviant part of it. Not the other way around.

um yikes sweaty that design is a little too misogynist
let's unpack this...

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Sent ;)

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>breeding like rabbits

But Pokemon marriage used to be a thing in the Pokemon universe

Canonically people in the Pokeverse have married Pokemon and considering how much feral Pokemon exist I'd say they'd be a decent number who'd try it out.
Also this Pokemon display a level of intelligence beyond IRL animals

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>"put brown people in games"
>*censors dark skin*

Who is the top slutmon of every gen?

Don't forget even Buneary can shatter boulders. With most of Lopunny's dex entries emphasizing the power of it's kicks, a human wouldn't survive a wild encounter.


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imagine the buttjobs, bros.

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Muscles are beautiful, regardless of the species user.

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The only valid point is the skin one. Thats mostly because GF can't into fur.

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>Colors scheme that does not make it look like it has human skin

Nigga what? That's because they weren't going for realism by drawing fur texture all over the body. Pokemon is not unique is this.

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Wtf were they thinking?

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Guardian angel for that one sick cowardly kid


Pokemon humans are just secretly pokemon so they'd be fine.

Nah, because pokemon are demonstrated to have pretty high intelligence, so I think you'd be fine

>waifumons that attack physically always attack with their legs and feet
what did gamefreak mean by this

Attached: 600px-795Pheromosa.png (600x600, 153.73K)

>the dominatrix pokemon that evolves by learning Stomp

>only male roaches have wings
>only female mosquitos drink blood
You got the wrong waifu UB

you know, user.

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So all Equine pokemon are dominatrices too?

Also don't forget developers were not that subtle in suggesting her G spot was in her protuberance on her head.