ITT: Games Zig Forums never talks about because they're too good to discuss here

ITT: Games Zig Forums never talks about because they're too good to discuss here.

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>wanting retards in lobbies cheating and saying nigger over and over in drg
nah, its best to keep discussion elsewhere

Post >yfw

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I just started playing it. I wish there was more content to unlock in terms of guns/usable items. Getting tired of hearing the same shootey shounds after leveling up 1 guy for 25 levels.

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Based and redpilled
Let them stay in Call of Duty


its best all the 12 year olds pretending to play geshin impact remain on this board and out of actual video games
for the sake of everyone
in b4 a predictable soijack

>Tell all my buddies about it and we all get into DRG
>Get left in the dust because they all start playing a little too early and I only ever get to hop in for about 30 minutes after work before they burn out for the day
>tfw they all have a couple promotions and I don't even have my first

ok gg was fun guys

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There's a thread like every other day here and there's always one up on /vm/. Don't ruin the discourse by trying to put your faggot ass on a pedestal for a game that's already universally liked here.

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Wizardry 6

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What if I told you the devs are leftist?

>the devs actually had to change the monster designs due to playtesters with agoraphobia having mental breakdowns while playing it
just a reminder that were going to be spiders


Zig Forums does talk about this game, you're delusional and retarded. also it sucks anyway.

Shilling myself but damn I love this game

the fun in this game is just how many fucking permutations they have of their cave algorithm.
I don't think I've ever seen the same combination twice. It's insane.
That and playing on any level above Hazard 3. It basically becomes the sentinel invasion scene from Matrix Revolutions.

You do realize you're trying to "cancel" them right now, right? Who gives a shit about their politics? Nigga I just wanna play games.

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>When the greenbeard starts the Ebonite glyphid event while you're trying to deal with a bulk and the fucking driller threw himself off a cliff again

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should've just went through with it. fuck weaklings.

>hazard 1
>see five or so crawling on the walls
Oh, so I guess in higher difficulties they just have higher health. They can't render too many of these...
>hazard 4
>see 150 of them crawling on the ceiling

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>Hazard 5
>150 on ceiling plus two bulks and a menace

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The most bro fucking game ever. I am shocked. I thought multiplayer was going to be a fucking crapfest. Everyone is just a good fucking dude. I don't think I've even been griefed once by anyone.

>join modded lobby
>150 on ceiling plus 2 bulks, 2 bet-c's, and 2 dreads.

what if I told you Zig Forums keeps trying to claim Deus Ex is a right wing game despite being made by lefties

What's there to talk about? Has this game received any major content updates in the past year?
Protip: cosmetics and passive balancing don't count as major content updates

>haz 4 2/2
>be 3 star driller
>1 star gunner joins
>gold 3 star engie joins lobby
>green beard joins and plays engie
>eh whatever it's an easy mission
>high level engie spazzes out flaming the greenbeard "REEE WE DON'T NEED ANOTHER ENGIE" "REEE PLAY SCOUT" "FUCKING GREENBEARDS"
>leaves game

>try to join lobby
>mission is haz 4 3/3

I swear the autism of the higher level players is more infuriating than the retards that throw games

>TFW got a crassus with pot's o gold

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It literally released a few new secondary objectives a few months back and it's launching two entirely new mission types in about a week.

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