Who else here collecting dust?

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Collecting dust until age of calamity.

Collecting dust because I only play in TV mode so I never touch the console.

Since late 2017 dude, I gave it to my 8 year old nephew and haven't seen it since

Red Joycon = Best Joycon.
If you can't find anything to play on the switch you have not fucking soul.

Yep, such a waste. Sad.

I fucking hate kids and toddlers so much. They actively steal shit, and either completely break it, lose parts of it, or forget to ever return it.
Fuck you mexican fucks you fucking lost all my darts you spic pieces of shit, enjoy living with 10 people in 1 room you fucks

my ps4 is collecting dust so badly, already watched every shitty movie on that piece of crap

>supposedly a handheld but too large and performs better docked
>dock scratches screen
>cheap, flimsy joycons
>library consisting of rehashes, shovelware, the worst versions of multiplats and kiddie games.
>insufferable, delusional community
>manchildren love it
>system of choice for trannies and the morbidly obese.
>smash tournaments known for being comprised of people with no concept of personal hygiene
>an embarrassment to be seen playing in public
>horrible online, overpriced.
>console is overpriced, very low value in general
>often referred to as several derogatory names, some examples include “cucktendo shitch” or just “shitch”, “Fischer price tablet” or more rarely the “NINtENDO SWItCH” (the lowercase t’s representing the low testosterone of the typical Nintendo console owner)
I could go on but I think we’ve all seen enough to agree that owning a Nintendo Switch is undesirable.

It would be collecting dust if I didn't have Resident Evil 4 for it.

Nope, playing Animal Crossing daily.

>Consumer electronics living rent free in user's head.

been playing botw again. kino game

consoles have sucked since gen 7

I've bought only 3 games full price for this thing, ultimate, octopath and mario odyssey, I've only completed odyssey, but otherwise games are a fucking ripoff on this thing in canada, ain't paying $90 for ports sorry. and the lack of a DPAD joycon is really shit. I might just hack it if I can (bought in 2017 so might be possible)

Switch hasn't been shelved yet, I started BOTW recently, didn't take long to finish but I had virtually no drive to actually finish it, and after forcing myself through the end I feel let down.

It isn't as satisfying as any other zelda game I've played.

Wife has been enjoying the Link's Awakening remake.

I have a bunch of games I want to get through but playing pc games with friends has me too busy.

There are legit gripes here but your obsession with the fact that the mentally ill and overweight like games too, as well as the list of derogatory names that I have literally never seen or heard people using makes me think you should start seeing a therapist before you turn into a totally bitter and resentful wretch.

take your meds user

its okay

not mine, i use all of my consoles pretty frequently

although if i ever got a ps4 for whatever reason i'd probably have to sell it off to some sucker willing to spend 200$ on a dust collector

I would sell it but it's unpatched so I'll just wait until the hacking scene isn't full of moralfags

switched for me 2017 as well

how are meds going to help?

Last game i played on it was links awakening and the only reason i even played it was because i pirated it. This console is fucking garbage and all the tendies that defend this piece of shit should hang themselves

Haven't touched mine since spring. Decided to order Robotics;Notes for switch instead of ps4 just to have a reason to use it.

if you dont want it give it to me

I tried playing indieshit on my switch but even those games sometimes have slowdowns and longer loading times

and any 2D platformers are shit with the joycons

if you are not planning to play your switch on the go you shouldn't buy a switch

Bought it roughly 3 years ago for 200 euro, hacked it, tried around 300 games on it, finished 100, still got a big ass backlog of games on it to play, currently having fun with Hades

If I had money to buy a 1000 euro pc I'd probably stop using it, but with a shitty laptop that id rather not clutter with games, the console has been surprisingly robust for what I payed for it

I love 4channel

That‘s pretty funny. I can‘t play 2d games docked properly because the pro controller d pad is shit. I played them in handheld mode with that hori d pad joycon but at some point my right joycon started drifting so i can‘t play like that either

Not enough movie games for you?

Dust collecting too OP.

Only games worth a shit are NMH3 and Monster Hunter Rise so far.
Tried BOTW...shit.
Three Houses is pretty good. Reminds me of Sacred Stones, and the lord is finally worth a shit again.
Overall it's a shit system so far. I can't believe how much of a hot stinking shit a pokemon game could get until the switch.

I bought my switch because it‘s the newest nintendo console and i want to play nintendo games. I don‘t give a shit about it‘s stupid gimmick but sadly the only games it gets are ports that are the version available and weebshit

Why let it collect dust when you could hack it and play everything for free instead?

>are the version available
*worst version

pikmin 3 :b

It was until I hacked it, would never have tried Super Mario Galaxy or Fire Emblem 3H if I had to drop 60 bucks but they're fun

My ps4 is collecting dust. I've been playing Ninjala on my switch lately along with the mario battle royale shit.

>and the lack of a DPAD joycon is really shit
dude wat. there are shit ton of those

Here, only have Smash and Astral Chain and I already finished Astral Chain. Thinking of selling the system after the whole Steve in Smash garbage.

I use it more than my other consoles. But I just don't play games that much anymore.

yeah and none of them are great

Nah I just launch AC and hand it to my gf when I want her to leave me the hell alone

Mime too only have mario maker 2 and smash, waiting for 3d world hopeful bowser is furry will be good.

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I sold it today for 200$ and pre ordered an xbox, what an useless piece of junk, at least the wii had soul in it and did not fall apart after months of use, I'm not going back to nintendo until they make a real console which is probably never going by their track record with switch

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Nah, just got mine last month and it's pretty comfy.

I play super mario bros u occasionally. That's about it.

I play Sonic Mania, Smash, and Thumper on it from time to time. Once every 1 or 2 weeks I go to my cousin's house to work on food products that we store and give to people and I always take it over there and let his kids play on it. They love it. I'd let them borrow it but that'd be a little overly permissive for my cousin's parenting style.

kek I feel this post.

Quit talking like you've never been mad about anything, you faggot.