Be German

>be German
>have to share servers with Poles, Ukrainians, Romanians and Russians
>ask nicely to speak English
>incur full slav shitstorm

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Haхyй пoшeл, нeмчypa нeмытaя.

fuck g*rmans

the world would be better off sans lingua franca

beleszarok a pofádba békapostázó nyomorék szűz

shut up nazi

Pepe looks uncanny with colored eyes

wkurwiony szwab jest wkurwiony xD

>be Romanian
>nobody plays videogames and I've been completely alone in my hobby for games
>the only games most Romanians even play are either casual free garbage like League of Legends and mobile games or the national videogame called Counter Strike
>almost no other Romanians on the internet
>and the kids outside are into streamers instead
>but Russia which is only one country away is full of gamers and are all over the internet

>looked up the Steam profiles of friends
>all of them barely play shit
>asked a friend who used to say memes IRL about his Steam account
>he stopped playing videogames and gave his account to his cousin some time ago
>asked a friend who admitted to actually playing a videogame or two one time
>his account has only 3 owned games and he rarely logs on

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>be american
>no cute nordic boys to game with

Why even bother

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im a cute nordic boy but dark skinned people scare me

At least Germany is geographically closer to Russia than France and UK. Its the worst thing to see them fucking teleporting all over the place because the game was never set up to deal with Russians on 56k modems connecting from Vladivostok half the fucking planet away.

I'm a 211cm ginger.


Spierdalaj głupi chuju

>be german
> wants to speak english
g*rmans truly are the biggest cucks and bootlickers on the planet.
What's wrong with your own language?

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another gaming forum I used to visit had a few Romanians on it but they were all traps into anime games. one of them would always post their bad dragon stuff on the board and their leggings.

>Op joins the server. Opens his mouth:
>Zello, Ken uu spik english plizzz?
>Reee fucking slavs

You are worse than the frenchies, they at least can take a laugh at their accent.

Can they not speak English?

hahaha what the fuck, really?

Almost all of them can understand and make themselves understood with English, they just choose not to. Its a Russian thing.

Yeah I don't know what the deal was. We had quite a few 'trans' posters on the site but the romanians were always posting lewd shit.

german are the fucking worst. Literally subhumans. Glad they are getting gangraped by muds

Just play with friends. You know why majority of Poles, Romanians and Russians don't mind speaking english? because they are probably in a party with 2-3 people from their country that probably play better than you. If more people in your team are from their country they will speak their language. Either play with someone or accept your fate.

why are slavic servers so full of soul?

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Insallah brother

You had your chance to get rid of them Hans, now live with it


I'm baffled man, I've only found like three or four romanians on the internet all this time in the last few years, one got really mad that I called him a gypsy, one was genuinely underage, one was a bro who adminned a server and another was an anonymous bro. Never thought I'd hear that combination of words "romanian", "gay" and "trap" together

Sounds like a very unlikable trait to have.

>Be US south
>Connect to fps server
>ricky.hernadez2003 has joined the server
>xxxBlastthen!gg#rsxxx has joined the server
> has joined the server
>Iplayboomerrockat6bitsoverthemic has joined the game
>BRwith398ping has joined the game

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This thread's shaping up to be comfy

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love me

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>be portuguese
>spanish spam written chat
>brits spam voice chat
>french ONLY speak french
>italians always stirring up a shitstorm "PORCO DIO"

stop being such fucking crackheads u faggots

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blimey m8