New Witchfire devblog

New Witchfire devblog

Attached: LeftRealLeonberger-mobile.webm (640x360, 1007.14K)

i hate back walk in video games makes everything super easy theres literally no challenge when you hold s button when enemy comes nearby and gets stuck swing animation 100000000000 frames

>damage numbers

aaaaaaaaaaaaand DROPPED


You can turn-off these numbers.

Attached: ss_2273611b28f8ad4ca9504a20087f1898a69003ee.jpg (1920x1080, 431.47K)

"high fantasy" dropped!

Attached: shotties.jpg (1920x1080, 177.33K)

yes its better to walk forward and tank damage you fucking casual??

Bottom looks better.

I hope they dropped the looter shooter mechanics, just have a normal upgrade system

I think it'll be a middle ground between these two things after reading the devblogs. Not like they were very concise about it.

I hope this kills destiny and is good enough yk be my main game.

isn't it a singleplayer game?

yeah painkiller is fucking easy

Doesn't fix the problem. Damage numbers imply a retarded damage system that implies bullet sponge enemies which makes for incredibly unfun gameplay for this type of game.

Does this look bulletspongy to you?

Attached: DeterminedOddballArkshell.webm (1920x1080, 2.23M)

Of course not, you think they're going to show off later enemies?

Chmielarz ty kurwo jebana, stop stuffing your filthy mouth and finish the game.

Attached: comment_pO9CC22Eibjumz9rxmcUuXFUUzqudVMu.jpg (798x476, 131.42K)

this looks like an fpsmmo wtf are they thinking?

Why the fuck would you upscale the 640x360 video from the blog page to 1920x1080? It looks like garbage. We could have just hit the fullscreen button if we wanted to see it big and blurry.

you look like a faggot wtf are you thinking?

Yes but this is Zig Forums so you are only allowed to like 1 thing at a time, and must hate everything else. Gotta constantly search for the next downfall or disaster to prove how hardcore you are.

you can't see me, are you sure you aren't looking at a mirror

How else am I supposed to shitpost about graphics? I'm in desperate need for attention, even insults are better than nothing.

But Witchifre is looking good? How can other indie studios even compete?

Actually, looks like it was the HD version of that video but compressed to hell so that the filesize fits on Zig Forums, but still dumb and looks like ass. Stop posting 1920x1080 webms with gigantic pixels. Just post smaller-resolution webms so we don't get eye cancer.

new call of duty looking great

Is it me or does the cylinder of his revolver not rotate?

it doesnt look like it but the animation is kind of snappy and jarring so its hard to tell

DOOM Eternal has damage numbers and you didn't complain about that, you are a toxic hypocrite.

DE have damage numbers? I didn't notice

>falling for shitposts
back to plebbit

Attached: 1574534374326.png (753x960, 28.9K)

its not rotating at all, just look closer.

>50 light years away
>Tries a melee attack
"Welp, good enough, guys. Let's run with that"

>we could have had a modern heretic
>instead we got le spoopy borberlands

Attached: 1510422401984.png (399x322, 41.72K)