Pure. Soul.
Pure. Soul
pure. npc.
Please share your thoughts about the game with us, user. :)
this game was dogshit. the game looked ugly, the writing was retarded, the controls were janky, the atmosphere was non existent.
literally soulless AA garbage.
>still no update changing the name to the superior Creed Fall
Why would I buy and/or play this?
>RPG game
>You can pull your rank on people as wildcard
Siora best waifu
Blessed thread, loved every bit of this game
So... Who's the best girl?
Part of me wishes you could go full native and find out you were related to one of the tribes ancestors.
Post greedfall version of the navy seals copy pasta. Its hilariously accurate to what you can do un the game.
A bit of ____ on my _____ and lets _____
can I get a quick rundown on a game? What are its strengths? What are the low points? What is it similar to?
Honestly made colonialism seem pretty fun. Loved exploring a savage land as a hoity-toity noble. Just wish there were more opprotunities to act like a dick.
Waiting for a sale but I got my eye on it
Brainlet, Colonialism is only depicted as bad because it's so good, Colonialism is godmode.
>no incest.
It's garbage.
But that is not the point of the game at all.
Majority of game presented colonialism as being force for progress and improvement with some turbocunts ruining life for everybody.
>a slightly longer outer worlds
its still boring, fuck you op
fetch & run game
but its not a bad one compared to many others, hope they improve even more later on, having played their other games
Are there crossbows?
Sexy flintlocks all the way down
Constantine. Prove me wrong. You can't.
colonialism brought joggers to your country
French games are always pozzed
Surprisingly good game. Took 50 something hours to finish. I did most of the quest and got some pretty rare achievements. Did not expect to play it as long as I did.
>Low points
The game has a low budget and it shows. The open world is a joke. There isn't a huge diversity of enemies.
You are a diplomat and the game allows you to act like it. The combat is basic but fun. The characters are entertaining.
>similar to
Dragon Age: Origin
>becomes god like
>only cares about making a paradise for his beloved cousin
There is only one choice.
But muh crossie
What game is this?
I agree, decent jank fest
yes yes conservatives we know
Boy, I sure love games full of nothing but boring text and empty levels!
Why would you buy and/or pay for DRM free game
that you can just pirate ?
The codex is great and your build is shit.
>bow arms are on a hinge making them pointless
>instead the crossbow is operated by some fucking springs
>bow string attached at wheels, but it's not a compound bow, so there's no point
>some sort of gas cylinder behind the bolt with no obvious purpose
That was the problem. Just changed my build and now the levels are full of things to do and the story is not that shit.
Thank you!