What are your honest thoughts on these games, Zig Forums? How would you rank them?
Metroid Prime
yawn fest with bioshock infinite tier "puzzles"
If I replayed them, my opnion would probably change but
3, 1 , 2
2 is really good but that key hunt at the end soured my taste for the game. 3 has the best graphics and refined gameplay and 1 is a classic
Kinda off-topic but didn't the Wii edition get released the same year as the 3rd game and at $30 while 3 was $50?
That cover just reminds me of how rock hard that deal got me back then.
2 > 1 > 3
I just can't get into Prime. I understand it's well made. I can see the work, effort, and love put in to the game. But I just don't have fun playing it.
They were excellent games. Ranking is 1>3>2
Metroid Prime is my favorite game of all time.
MP2 is a boring time with the pointless ammo shit(you're pretty much always topped off on it all), the stupid key shit, and just a shitty light world/dark world gimmick.
MP3 is more back to form. It's cool to interact with the other hunters and the shitty federation. Not as good as MP1, but not as bad as MP2.
2 > 1 > 3
As a 2D Metroid fan I think that Prime games are too fucking confusing and I could only get through 1 and 2 with a guide. I like everything about Prime except for the gameplay part. I do like fighting the bosses a lot though, they are amazing
I just played through them recently actually and I think the first two are fantastic adaptations of the Metroid formula to a 3D environment, I’ll elaborate on Prime 3
Metroid Prime - 9/10, back tracking was a little tedious due to the way the map was set up, otherwise it’s still a masterpiece
Prime 2 - 8/10, I used to feel sour on this one, but it’s actually really good and a great sequel, but the environments all bleed together really hard until Sanctuary which gives you whiplash (in a good way) when you get to it and the music for the overall game isn’t much to talk about, with a few glaring exceptions, also ammo for your beam weapons kind of sucks
Prime 3 - 6/10, while it wasn’t BAD it maybe lost its touch a bit too much with it being a Metroid game I never felt like I was exploring, just that I was being railroaded to the next place, way too much dialogue and interaction with people for a Metroid game, a series which thrives in the feeling of isolation, all the boss fights except maybe Omega Ridley kind of sucked ass and the Hypermode ability wasn’t really thought through enough
I have the Metroid Prime Trilogy for the Wii. I played corruption way before I got it, but I'm too lazy to play Prime 1 and 2 it using the motion controllers. It doesn't feel comfy and takes me out of the experience ironically
I'd also like to experience the control scheme it was designed for.
does the prime series played like modern fps game?
fuck off esl
No. It's more First-Person Adventure, than First-Person Shooter.
The third one sort of. 1 and 2 are adventure games, they just happen to be in first person
1 > 3 > 2. Love the pirate world in 3 but 2 would be higher than 3 if ammo management didn’t occur as often as it did.
top tier video games
like they dont make them like they used to anymore
no the trilogy came out years after the 3rd game and was a full price title
Am I the only one who gets Prime vibes when playing Dead Space?
2 > 1 >>>>
if I had three wishes one of my wishes would be for metroid prime 2 but with no load times when traveling between dark and light world
I love backtracking in prime one, each area has like three elevators to other areas so it's fun looking at the map and figuring out which path toward where you want to go next will swing you by a pickup you couldn't get earlier.
1 is a masterpiece
2 is good but not nearly as good as the first one
I really need to play 3, how's the mouse+keyboard patch for Dolphin? If the game is playable with that then I'll try it because otherwise it's a pain in the ass to emulate
The Metroid series died and was finished with Fusion. None of the Primes really matter in the grand scheme of things. The best thing for everyone involved is to realize this and put the series out to pasture for good, rather than continue to desecrate its legacy by continuing to parade its corpse around with the filler prime games or - Palutena forbid - try to force a Metroid V.
The best and worst thing Sakamoto did for the Metroid franchise was wipe the Metroids out in 2 and then kill the last one in Super. The saga ended on a legendary high note, with Fusion then serving as its epilogue. But that left Nintendo trying to push a franchise named for a species that was completely extinct. They put Metroid Prime between 1 and 2, and while it was decent for the first one, each subsequent Prime felt more inconsequential than the last, despite how much more grand and elaborate their scenarios became. You can have all the mirror worlds or cross planetary wars that you want, but the core of Metroid was always about Samus and the Metroids.
Because of this, Prime 4 is an even more unnecessary waste of everyone's precious time and resources. It should never have been greenlit in the first place, it shouldn't have been announced, and it should have stayed dead when they realized all the work on it needed to be scrapped.
The series ended. Let it rest.
nah nigga, there was an omega metroid in fusion showing that the federation still keeps them around even if that's an asspull. Also samus is part metroid now so it's still relevant
I recognize your posting style from the other thread you bird obsessed, esl posting, reddit spacing, phone shitter. You don't even play this series, you coomer waifufag.
>doesn't mention gameplay
secondary detected
I thought she got unMetroided at the end of the game?
>palutena forbid
I've always found it interesting that people care about the story in Metroid despite it being a Nintendo franchise that is mainly gameplay focused like the rest of them. For example people don't care about the story in Kirby or Mario. I actually like that a lot
Just gonna ignore Legend of Zelda?
>knight saves a princess
such an epic
Most of the fans don't care about the story. Also Zelda lore feels forced as fuck. Metroid universe on the other hand is pretty thought out and the games themselves are nicely connected so it's only fair that people like and discuss it
I'm not really sure, she still has a version of the fusion suit